Solidarity Park

AMB (Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona)

The importance of the Solidarity Park is not limited to Esplugues, but extends to the entire metropolitan area. A transcendence that could even be described as historical if one considers that the slab on the Ronda de Dalt that houses the park was the last to be developed of the entire so-called "ring road system". The Parc de la Solidaritat thus closed the most eminent circulatory and urban ring of recent years. As a result of repeated political and neighbourhood demands, a slab was built to provide a 2.4-hectare platform that allows a direct, flat connection between the Can Clota and Can Vidalet neighbourhoods, which have been separated since their origins by the rugged stream that today occupies the ring road.

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Photograph - Lourdes Jansana, vía AMB (Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona)

With this starting point, the Solidarity Park fulfils two fundamental objectives. One pragmatic, which is to link the urban fabric of the city, and the other aesthetic, which is to have an impact on the landscape of the Ronda de Dalt. The first objective is based on the extension of the pre-existing streets on each side of the slab, two for vehicles and two more for pedestrians. The latter, Esport and Pau Torres, create a large grass-covered hall, the widest part of which houses one of the most characteristic elements of the park: a six-metre-high steel sculpture by Alberto Udaeta.

Night photograph - Lourdes Jansana, vía AMB (Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona)
Photograph - Lourdes Jansana, vía AMB (Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona)

This central hall is the real axis that structures the park and acquires a special relevance during the hours of darkness, when the carpet of grass is lit up by the numerous luminous beacons that, in the form of a constellation, reach the sculpture to produce an explosion of light that emphasises its monumental character. Two 12-metre-high, very light-weight metal gates delimit the hall on both sides and support two lines of neon light which, thanks to their intensity, are visible from a great distance, creating a particularly attractive effect from the round.

Sections - AMB (Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona)
General floor plan - AMB (Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona)

As they drive along, motorists can see two horizontal lines of light hanging in the middle of the sky, symbolising the connection between Can Clota and Can Vidalet above the expressway. The central grass hall divides the large slab, which accommodates various recreational uses by means of staggered platforms that, with the help of dense pepper planting, delimit the park into four sectors. As a counterpoint, the entrances to the ring road tunnel are home to species with very different flowering, whether at the south or north entrance. Thus, if on the sea side yellow-flowering mimosas proliferate, on the mountain side white-flowering almond and cherry trees proliferate. The aim of this planting is to create a large patch of colour at the tunnel mouths that achieves the same effect during the day as the lines of light do at night. In other words: luminous traces or masses of colour which, due to their size, remain in the retina of the driver who drives along the ring road and identify the two neighbourhoods that the slab has twinned within its layout.

Photograph - Lourdes Jansana, vía AMB (Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona)

General information

Solidarity Park





Option to visit

Free visit


Ph. de la Solidaridad,

08950 Esplugues de Llobregat - Barcelona

Latitude: 41.373152472

Longitude: 2.0939727999


Built area

más de 20000 m²

Involved architects

Sergi Godia i Fran

Xavier Casas

Involved architectural firms

AMB (Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona)

Information provided by

AMB (Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona)



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