
Rojo/Fernández-Shaw, arquitectos es un estudio de arquitectura formado por los arquitectos María Begoña Fernández-Shaw Zulueta y Luis Rojo de Castro, fundado en 1994 con sede en Madrid. - Rojo/Fernández-Shaw, arquitectos is an architecture office based in Madrid, Spain, founded in partnership by the architects María Begoña Fernández-Shaw and Luis Rojo in 1994. The firm has oriented its practice since to the design and construction of public works, architectural competitions and academic research. 

ROJO/FERNÁNDEZ-SHAW, arquitectos se funda en 1994. El estudio ha obtenido premios y encargos en numerosos concursos de obra pública. Una vez construidos, su trabajo ha sido premiado en varias ocasiones con el premio COAM (2019, 2012), premio Luis Moreno Mansilla (2019, 2014), finalista FAD (2003, 2009, 2012), finalista BEAU en 2003, premio COAG (2013), etc. También ha sido publicada en diferentes revistas nacionales e internacionales. En el afán de mantener un intercambio continuo y un debate crítico en torno a su práctica, sus objetivos y la obra construida, han sido invitados a dar conferencias en diferentes instituciones académicas y profesionales en Europa, Estados Unidos o China. En 2006 participa en el Pabellón Español en la X Bienal de Arquitectura de Venecia, y en 2019 fue invitado a participar en el Pabellón Internacional del Arsenal dentro de la XVII Bienal de Venecia.

Begoña Fernández-Shaw se gradúa en la ETSAM en 1987. Durante sus estudios en la Universidad de Cornell fue designada como asistente del profesor Colin Rowe en Roma. Desde 2001 es Secretaria Adjunta de EUROPAN. Luis Rojo de Castro se gradúa en la ETSAM en 1987, donde imparte clases de Proyectos desde 1992. En 1987 recibe la beca Fulbright para cursar el Master in Architecture en la GSD,  Harvard University, cuyo título obtiene en 1989. Ha sido profesor visitante de Arquitectura en la GSD de forma regular entre 1994 y 1998, y de nuevo en 2001, 2006 y 2011. Entre 1999 y 2012 ha sido profesor invitado en la Escuela de Arquitectura de Navarra, en el City College de Nueva York para el semestre de otoño de 2017 y, en la primavera de 2019, en la China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China. Rojo obtiene el título de Doctor Arquitecto por la UPM en 2014 con una tesis sobre arquitectura y surrealismo. Actualmente es profesor Titular en el DPA de la ETSAM, impartiendo enseñanza de Proyectos en el Grado en Fundamentos de Arquitectura y en el Máster de Arquitectura Avanzada.

ROJO/FERNÁNDEZ-SHAW, arquitectos was founded in 1994. The studio has been awarded with numerous prizes and commissions in public works competitions. Once built, their work has been awarded on several occasions with the COAM prize (2019, 2012), Luis Moreno Mansilla prize (2019, 2014), FAD finalist (2003, 2009, 2012), BEAU finalist in 2003, COAG prize (2013), etc., and has been published in different national and international journals. In an effort to maintain a continuous exchange and critical debate about their practice, their objectives and the work they have built, they have been invited to give lectures at different academic and professional institutions in Europe, the United States and China. In 2006 he participated in the Spanish Pavilion at the 10th Venice Architecture Biennale, and in 2019 he was invited to participate in the International Pavilion of the Arsenal at the 17th Venice Biennale.

Begoña Fernández-Shaw graduated from ETSAM in 1987. During her studentship at Cornell University she was appointed as assistant to Professor Colin Rowe in Rome. Since 2001 she has been Deputy Secretary of EUROPAN. Luis Rojo de Castro graduated from ETSAM in 1987, where he has taught design since 1992. In 1987 he received a Fulbright scholarship to study for a Master in Architecture at GSD, Harvard University, where he graduated in 1989. He has been Visiting Professor of Architecture at GSD regularly from 1994 to 1998, and again in 2001, 2006 and 2011. Between 1999 and 2012 he has been a visiting professor at the School of Architecture of Navarra, at the City College of New York for the fall semester of 2017 and, in the spring of 2019, at the China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China. Rojo received his Doctor of Architecture degree from the UPM in 2014 with a thesis on architecture and surrealism. He is currently a professor at the DPA of the ETSAM, teaching Projects in the Degree in Fundamentals of Architecture and in the Master of Advanced Architecture.



Rojo/Fernández-Shaw arquitectos


Maestro Ripoll, 3

28006 Madrid - Madrid - España

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Rojo/Fernández-Shaw arquitectos

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Rojo/Fernández-Shaw arquitectos

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