Alcázar Genil Metro Station

The Alcazar Genil station of the Granada metro is a lesson in history and architecture. During the construction works of one of Granada's metro stations, in a consolidated 20th century environment, the remains of the pool of a Muslim palace were discovered: the Alcazar Genil. Antonio Jiménez Torrecillas took on the cultural and urban transcendence of this discovery by integrating it into the station and thus equating 13th and 21st century engineering through the honest expression of its materiality. The consequence of this decision, which would encourage visits by the public, was to incorporate a room for cultural uses that would visually connect with the Albercón.

View gallery

The integration of the archaeological remains, at an intermediate level between the vestibule and the street, was based on the fundamental premise of avoiding the dismantling of the side walls of the pool. Maintaining the genetic material information was the strategy also employed in the different faces and construction systems, chosen on the basis of the rough texture of the earth and the horizontal stratigraphy of its layers. The structural reinforced concrete defines the space on which, in the manner of a carpet, a granite floor is laid, concealing all the installations.

View of the platform - Antonio Luís Martínez Cano
View of the Albercón from the Antonio Jiménez Torrecillas cultural hall - Antonio Luís Martínez Cano

Glass and stainless steel are used in the furniture, signage and walkways, integrated through the delicate use of natural and artificial lighting. The Albercón is witness to a sum of times: the old determines the roots of the new and the new takes on meaning by giving continuity to the old, in another chapter of the unfinished biography of the Alcazar Genil.

Concreting of the vault suspended over the platform that houses the remains of the Albercón, relocated to its original topographical situation - Antonio Luís Martínez Cano
  • View from the lobby on the way down to the platform - Antonio Luís Martínez Cano
  • View from the original wall of the Albercon towards the hall - Antonio Luís Martínez Cano
  • Construction of the arch beam supporting the Albercón wall in its original position - Antonio Luís Martínez Cano
  • Archaeological remains of the Almohad Albercon - Antonio Luís Martínez Cano


37.164596461 -3.602290388 ee005087-8ba6-475a-9113-c59e175f5cfd Built
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