Bank of Bilbao Tower (BBVA)

Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oíza

The structure of office buildings, the organisation's headquarters, is historically linked to the development of skyscrapers and the New Architecture Movement. In principle they are dense service stacks of organisational and management complexes at equally dense points in metropolitan structures. From Sullivan in Chicago to Saaririen or Mies van der Rohe in Chicago and New York, the history of the office building synthesises the genesis of the modern movement in architecture in a slow but uninterrupted line of liberation from old concepts, of overcoming old structures and academic proposals in the understanding of the forms proper to institutions for organisation.

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Our proposal is to be understood as an inevitable desire to continue in this progressive and uninterrupted line of development. We want to avoid all rhetorical arguments and façadism. If we were to propose a model, we would think of a mathematical formulation or an electronic brain. We do not want the anecdotal, the circumstantial, the local, to underpin our proposal. We endorse the words of Hannes Mayer on his proposal for the Palais de la Ligue des Nations in Geneva in 1926-1927. As an organic building it sincerely expresses that it intends to be a building for work and cooperation.

Ximo Michavila for Open House Madrid

General information

Bank of Bilbao Tower (BBVA)





Option to visit

Visit from public roads


Wwy. de la Castellana, 81

28046 Madrid - Madrid

Latitude: 40.447921083

Longitude: -3.691994586


Building materials




Built area

más de 20000 m²



Involved architects

Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oíza

Information provided by

Fondo documental DOCOMOMO Ibérico

Historical Service of the Official College of Architects of Madrid (COAM)


Open House Madrid

  • Ximo Michavila for Open House Madrid
  • Circulations first basement - Historical Service of the Official Association of Architects of Madrid (COAM). Visado Archive Fund
  • Location - Historical Service of the Official Association of Architects of Madrid (COAM). Visado Archive Fund
  • I BEAU
  • Ximo Michavila for Open House Madrid
  • I BEAU


40.447921083 -3.691994586 1250b3af-a48d-495e-89a1-d3995480d449 Built
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Unbuilt project

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