Cartuja Institute of Advanced Medical Techniques

The project is based on the conviction that, due to the sheer size of the future building, it should be seen as part of the city itself. For this reason, a large street was proposed from which to relate the entire complex programme of this hospital and which, at the same time, would distribute various lobbies -strategic viewpoints towards the rural and urban landscape- on various levels.

View gallery
Jesús Granada

These lobbies organise the room programme and the rest of family members and doctors. They consist of therapeutic viewpoints that reconcile bodies and spaces and propose the complicity of the crossed gaze between the historical city and the complexity of programmes of the contemporary city.

Jesús Granada
Jesús Granada

In terms of functionality, the building combines the rationality of the functional programme with the goodness and friendliness of the interior spaces. For this purpose, a very rational floor plan has been proposed, structured in bands of south-facing functional packages. The main advantages of this scheme are the shortening of the routes, the sunny rooms and the predominance of the horizontality of the building as opposed to vertical communication.

Jesús Granada
Jesús Granada

The ground plan is organised around three longitudinal courtyards, one of which will structure the general entrances to the building, and the other two the organisation of the room floors.

Jesús Granada

General information

Cartuja Institute of Advanced Medical Techniques





Option to visit

Visit from public roads


St. Leonardo da Vinci, 20

41092 Sevilla - Sevilla

Latitude: 37.408570541

Longitude: -6.006473013


Built area

5001 - 20000 m²

Involved architectural firms

MGM Morales de Giles arquitectos

Information provided by

MGM Morales de Giles arquitectos



37.408570541 -6.006473013 4d442bfb-1300-4409-b1ce-91d15c9c4cba Built
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Unbuilt project


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