Residential building in the M-30 (El Ruedo)

Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oíza

In February 1986 the Consejeria de Ordenacion del Territorio, Medio Ambiente y viviendas de la Comunidad de Madrid decided to convene a group of six architects (Aroca, Gallego-Jorreto, Martorell-Bohigas-Mackay, Peña Ganchegui, De la Sota and Saenz de Oiza) to study a site on the M-30 whose construction was determined by the General Plan of Madrid itself, in a very precise manner (Helicoide of more than 600 m. in length and 8 floors).

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The result of this call was the selection in June 1986 of the Proposal that was then submitted to us. In its general lines, the project respects the idea of development defined in the General Plan as that of a continuous block building, with a helicoidal outline, which rests sensibly on its contour line, up to the limit of the Doctor García Tapia junction, where -following the guidelines of the Plan- it folds inwards in the form of an open ring.

Exterior - Servicio Histórico del Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid (COAM). Arquitectura de Madrid

Only the NE edge of the plot has been rectified with respect to the plan, withdrawing it towards the interior of the plot, in order to improve the layout of the new side road on its eastern boundary. The road that will eventually replace the one that temporarily crosses the site on the side.

Exterior - Servicio Histórico del Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid (COAM). Arquitectura de Madrid

In elevation the building is developed, according to the Plan, as a continuous line of 8 open block heights. The variant of the Project is to propose a discontinuous or staggered crowning, which only in some areas reaches the limit of 8 floors foreseen in the Ordinances. The use that is achieved, however, is within the proposed limits, reaching a total of 346 dwellings, out of the maximum 400 planned, which means a buildability of around 86.5% of the foreseeable total. Compliance with the proposed Ordinance is therefore quite rigorous.

Exterior - COAM (1990). Arquitectura, Revista del Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid ( nº286-287)

General information

Residential building in the M-30 (El Ruedo)





Option to visit

Visit from public roads


St. Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente, 67

28030 Madrid - Madrid

Latitude: 40.415217761

Longitude: -3.659198938


Building materials


Built area

más de 20000 m²



Involved architects

Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oíza

Information provided by


Website links


  • Ground floor - Servicio Histórico del Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid (COAM). Arquitectura de Madrid
  • Residential building in the M-30 (El Ruedo) - I BEAU
  • I BEAU


40.415217761 -3.659198938 47ad3c08-70a8-4e8f-a9ea-bdf9cee9f465 Built
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Unbuilt project

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