Restoration of the Merola Tower

The remains of the castle of Merola are to the south of the municipality of Puig-reig. They date from the end of the 13th century and listed as a Cultural Asset of National Interest (BCIN). Records show that due to the earthquakes that occurred in Catalonia in the 15th century, only one of the two sides of the defence tower, originally rectangular in shape, still stands.

View gallery

To achieve these objectives, two basic lines of action were proposed: firstly, the consolidation of the surviving remains; and, secondly, the reinforcement of the medieval structure. This reinforcement required the use of a wooden structure with eighteen 14 cm square section profiles that skirt the perimeter of the stone wall and, like scaffolding, stabilise the existing wall structural, recover the original volume and restore its function as an observation and defence point in the territory.

Adrià Goula

General information

Restoration of the Merola Tower




Built. Protected architecture

Option to visit

Free visit


St. -, -

08692 Puigreig - Barcelona

Latitude: 41.931309708

Longitude: 1.8714449212


Building materials


Construction system

The reinforcement of the existing tower takes the form of a new wooden structure made up of 18 profiles with a square section of 14 x 14 cm, which follows the perimeter of the stone wall and makes it possible to compensate and recover the original vo

Built area

1 - 500 m²

Involved architects

Carles Enrich

Involved architectural firms

Carles Enrich Studio

Information provided by

Carles Enrich Studio

  • Adrià Goula
  • Merola Tower - situation - Carles Enrich Studio
  • Torre de Merola - emplazamiento - Carles Enrich Studio
  • Adrià Goula
  • Adrià Goula
  • Adrià Goula


41.931309708 1.8714449212 4d70881f-2bda-4a8f-916a-50534fd9cdec Built
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Unbuilt project

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