Tower of tribute

The Tower of Huéscar is a military observation post which, dismantled after the conquest of the city in 1434, became part of domestic life. The aim is, six hundred years later, to restore the vision of its horizon. Climb up until you can look out over the landscape. Restore that here, first and foremost, to be able to look. The location is not a fortuitous choice, but is determined by topographical conditions favourable to creating a network of visual control of the territory. But the demolition of the citadel of Huéscar and the cutting of its keep make it difficult to read these visual links, the relationship between the built and natural environment, between the monument (as a landmark) and the undefined extension of its landscape.

View gallery

The project adds value on these two scales: the nearby one, affirming the landmark in the urban fabric, and the distant one, raising a platform as a viewpoint that restores the links between city and territory, between domestic space and landscape.

Jesús Granada
Jesús Granada

The intervention shows how a contemporary sensibility values the tangible and intangible heritage that exists here: it attaches importance to the Roman lapidary, to the wandering along the ramparts, to the great mass of rammed earth that gives shape to the Tower, to the horizon... From this perspective, the past does not exist, but is constructed through historiography and through the project. We always intervene from a contemporary perspective. For this reason, the enhancement of the tower is understood from the evocation rather than from the restitution of a morphology that we do not know, always with the utmost respect for the fabric as a document open to future readings. This evocation, this recovery of the horizon, means highlighting the defensive nature of the Tower. In order to do so, it was necessary to bring their memories to light, those that come from the military imaginary.

Jesús Granada

General information

Tower of tribute





Option to visit

Visit by appointment


St. Alhóndiga, 2

18830 Huescar - Granada

Latitude: 37.809354698

Longitude: -2.538030239


Building materials



Built area

1 - 500 m²

Involved architects

Antonio Jiménez Torrecillas

Involved architectural firms

Antonio Jiménez Torrecillas

Information provided by

Antonio Jiménez Torrecillas


  • ROOFS FLOOR - Antonio Jiménez Torrecillas
  • GROUND FLOOR - Antonio Jiménez Torrecillas
  • Jesús Granada
  • Jesús Granada


37.809354698 -2.538030239 52915be7-83ad-48f7-909c-8801bde8a7fa Built
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Unbuilt project

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