Advisory Council of Castilla y León


Opposite the cathedral, following the outline of the former convent’s orchard, we erected a strong stone-wall box open to the sky. All the walls and floor in stone. With the same stone as the cathedral. A true Hortus Conclusus. On the corner facing the cathedral, a large stone measuring 250 x 150 x 50 cm, a real cornerstone. And chiselled into it: HIC LAPIS ANGULARIS MAIO MMXII POSITO. Inside the stone box, a glass box, all in glass. As if it were a greenhouse. With a double Mure Trombe-type façade.

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The outer skin of this façade is made of 600 x 300-cm single glass panes. They are all bonded only with structural silicone and almost nothing else. As if everything were made of air. In the upper corners of this box are the full glass trihedrons that make the desired transparency even more visible. What Mies was looking for in his tower on Friedrichstrasse. The trihedron built with air, a true Angular Glass. And etched on the glass with acid: HOC VITRUM ANGULARIS MAIO MMXII POSITO.

avier Callejas Sevilla
Javier Callejas Sevilla

The stone box made with the Memory. With the Cornerstone rooted in the ground. The glass box made with the Future. With the Angular Glass fused with the sky. The architect's old dream.

Javier Callejas Sevilla


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