
Household cities


Being a tourist in our own city is something we should all practice often. Our daily rush, our excessive dependence on our mobile phones and social networks and, above all, our monotonous routine, all too often cause us to stop paying attention to our surroundings. This, which could be considered a risky sport in big cities, has stimulated some people to develop a sixth sense to cross the street without having to look up from the screen, reaching their destination safely and without stumbling or being run over.

Madrid - Anna Devís and Daniel Rueda

Itinerary curated by

Anna Devís y Daniel Rueda

Anna Devís and Daniel Rueda are two imaginative Spanish photographers, born in 1990. They met at the Universitat Politècnica de València, where they both graduated from the School of Architecture. Today, this creative duo uses their architectural background to tell stories through fun and original images that are a far cry from conventional architectural photography. Their work is characterised by the use of humour, creativity, precision and a delicate aesthetic inspired by the city, geometry and minimalism.

Means of transport


But we should all be tourists at home from time to time. Changing the usual route we take to work, choosing the shortest route to run an errand or wandering around the neighbourhood aimlessly. In short, to rediscover our own city with the same passion with which we visit other destinations when we travel.

Gran Canaria
Gran Canaria - Anna Devís and Daniel Rueda
Barcelona - Anna Devís and Daniel Rueda
València - Anna Devís y Daniel Rueda

How often have we heard our friends and acquaintances rave about the beauty they have seen in cities in other countries: Paris is so beautiful! Vienna is a fairytale city! How wonderful to cycle in Amsterdam! Travelling takes us out of our comfort zone, makes us alert and observant of our surroundings, and it is then that we discover beauty. What are we waiting for to do it in our own cities? Let this text be an invitation to rediscover your surroundings the next time you leave your home.

Valencia - Anna Devís and Daniel Rueda

If you go out into the street and know how to look, you will find architecture of great interest along the way. Small details that go unnoticed by the naked eye. You will be surprised to see geometries and colours that you had not noticed before and that have probably always been there.

Valencia - Anna Devís and Daniel Rueda
Valencia - Anna Devís and Daniel Rueda

And if you dare to look even further, you will discover the untold stories of our cities where bridges can be transformed into elegant harps or windows can become gifts. It's just a question of knowing how to admire.

Our cities can be grey, drab and noisy places, but if we learn to appreciate and care for them, they can also be fun places to meet and, above all, to live in.

Calpe - Anna Devís and Daniel Rueda


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