Memory lattice

Carmen Moreno Álvarez

After the end of the Spanish Civil War, the space next to the walls of the cemetery of Granada was the scene of the shooting of 4,000 people. The project is a tribute to the victims, a place of remembrance for the relatives, and contributes to preserving the historical memory of this area.

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The site of the intervention is a space outside the walls of the cemetery located in the territory of the Dehesa del Generalife next to the monumental complex of the Alhambra, surrounded by an olive grove, a path and a row of cypress trees.

Sombras arrojadas de la celosía - Fernando Alda
La celosía sobre el muro de piedra existente - Fernando Alda

The work is based on a reflection on how to project with memory in order to convert the memory into a living landscape element in close relationship with the place. A 43-metre-long iron latticework, made from the information recorded on the deceased - name, place of origin, date of death and age - is placed on an existing stone wall, a transparent and light element that integrates into the territory without transforming it, a poetic resource that superimposes the names and stories of each one of them on this emblematic landscape. The lattice allows us to read the names of the anonymous people suspended in the air over the olive grove; also over the walls of the cemetery that still preserve the bullet holes, elements that make up this area and that now build new landscapes around the names cut out in the lattice. Placed against the light of dawn, it produces a play of shadows cast by the texts on the topography of the terrain, reaching, at certain times of the year, the walls of the cemetery. Like a sundial, the latticework imprints the shadows of the names on the ground, the path and the walls, shadows that change according to the inclination of the light. The gaps between the words can be used to place the flowers carried in homage to the deceased; the circles that stiffen the cut iron sheet, to hold the bouquets, turning the lattice into a wall full of vegetation and colour on certain dates, dynamic and full of symbolism, which provides a contiguity between the collective memory, the remembrance and the landscape of this area.

Tocar para reencontrarse con los desaparecidos - Fernando Alda

General information

Memory lattice





Option to visit

Free visit


Wwy. de la Sabica, s/n

18009 Granada - Granada

Latitude: 37.170477993

Longitude: -3.57703646


Building materials


Construction system

3 mm thick iron sheet laser-cut and welded to 8 mm thick iron plates nailed to the ground

Built area

1 - 500 m²

Involved architects

Carmen Moreno Álvarez

Information provided by

Carmen Moreno Álvarez


Website links

Premios FAD


  • Imagen celosía en el paisaje - Fernando Alda
  • Planos Celosía de memoria - Carmen Moreno Álvarez
  • Celosía y olivos - Fernando Alda
  • La celosía frente al muro de fusilamientos - Fernando Alda


37.170477993 -3.57703646 2642ff18-a506-4f1f-9af7-643860009a1d Built
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Unbuilt project


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