A/P 2020

Turning point. Radical positions for a changing world.

We live in a constantly changing world. Whether political conflicts, social inequalities, ecological disasters or pandemics, the planet and humanity face a continuous state of transformation and necessary adaptation.

The 7th edition of the arquia Festival - curated by Gonzalo Herrero Delicado - has collectively examined how emerging architecture in Spain and Portugal is facing these challenges. An opportunity to reflect on those practices that are responding with risk and innovation, generating a new radicalism in architecture.

Directors of A/P 2020

Gonzalo Herrero Delicado - Curator of the VII Biennial of the ARQUIA/PRÓXIMA Programme


CALLS: Fundación Arquia


By categories


Assistant representing the participants : Juan Antonio Serrano Assistant representing the SOUTH zone : Marta Pelegrín Assistant representing the NORTH zone : Ester Roldán Assistant representing the LEVANTE zone : Fran Silvestre Trustee of the Arquia Foundation : Naiara Montero Assistant representing the Central Zone : Arturo Franco Secretary (non-voting) : Sol Candela Alcover Curator of the VII Biennial of the ARQUIA/PRÓXIMA Programme : Gonzalo Herrero Delicado Assistant representing Portugal : Ana Luisa Soares

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