A/P 2010

In change

The theme En cambio (Changeover) comes from the times of economic crisis in which this call took place and how it triggered profound processes of change within the established structures in our professional sphere and those deriving from the younger structures. This title is intended to signify that which is undergoing a metamorphosis in the near future, both in terms of the way in which the profession is developed and in terms of establishing new patterns of behaviour in a society that is undergoing major processes of change; changes generated by a combination of factors that need not be recounted. 

Directors of A/P 2010

Carlos Quintáns Eiras - Curator of the II Biennial of the ARQUIA/PRÓXIMA Programme


CALLS: Fundación Arquia


By categories

  • Technification Centre for physical-sports and leisure activities in the natural environment of the Tagus Basin.
    Technification Centre for physical-sports and leisure activities in the natural environment of the Tagus Basin. View Work file
  • Gimnàs 704
    Gimnàs 704 View Work file
  • House in Gaüses
    House in Gaüses View Work file
  • 8 casas inscritas y 3 patios (Edificio de 8 VPO entre medianeras)
    8 casas inscritas y 3 patios (Edificio de 8 VPO entre medianeras) View Work file
  • Museo del Agua en Palencia
    Museo del Agua en Palencia View Work file
  • Inakasa Building
    Inakasa Building View Work file
  • Comedor escolar tipo
    Comedor escolar tipo View Work file
  • Café del Arco
    Café del Arco View Work file
  • Pieza Puzle
    Pieza Puzle View Work file
  • Frontón + Casa Concejil Arribe & Atayo
    Frontón + Casa Concejil Arribe & Atayo View Work file
  • Led Action Facade
    Led Action Facade View Work file
  • Polideportivo Municipal en Santolaya de Cabranes
    Polideportivo Municipal en Santolaya de Cabranes View Work file
  • Headquarters of the Municipal Environmental Service on the banks of the Ebro River
    Headquarters of the Municipal Environmental Service on the banks of the Ebro River View Work file
  • Complejo deportivo Can Ricart
    Complejo deportivo Can Ricart View Work file
  • Intervención en el Patio Casa Sambolà
    Intervención en el Patio Casa Sambolà View Work file
  • Riberas Urbanas del Río Ebro. Ámbito U12 Tenerías - Las Fuentes
    Riberas Urbanas del Río Ebro. Ámbito U12 Tenerías - Las Fuentes View Work file
  • Rehabilitation in the old town of Vigo
    Rehabilitation in the old town of Vigo View Work file
  • CONFETTI: Sistema de iluminación urbana diurna/nocturna
    CONFETTI: Sistema de iluminación urbana diurna/nocturna View Work file
  • Consultorio médico en Puerto Lápice
    Consultorio médico en Puerto Lápice View Work file


Secretary (non-voting) : Gerardo García-Ventosa Assistant representing the MEDITERRANEAN area : Félix Arranz Assistant representing the CENTRO zone : Assistant representing the NORTH zone : Assistant representing the SOUTH zone : Santiago Cirugeda Representative of the Caja de Arquitectos Foundation : Fernando Diaz Pines Assistant representing the ISLANDS zone : Francisco Cifuentes Utrero

  • Technification Centre for physical-sports and leisure activities in the natural environment of the Tagus Basin.
    Technification Centre for physical-sports and leisure activities in the natural environment of the Tagus Basin. View Work file

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