The Ibero American Architecture And Urbanism Biennial (BIAU) is an initiative promoted since 1998 by the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, through the Directorate General of Architecture and Building, and consolidated after eleven editions as one of the fundamental references to put in relation the different initiatives in housing and city in the community of Ibero-America, Spain and Portugal through Architecture and Urbanism.

The general objectives of the BIAU are:

- To disseminate the most outstanding experiences carried out every two years in Latin America, Portugal and Spain in order to contribute to the formation of critical thinking and an integrated cultural policy in the field of architecture and urban planning.

- To articulate a permanent space for reflection and debate, promoting the interest and participation of different social segments in the protection of the territory, the construction of the city, the rehabilitation of heritage, popular housing and the consideration of architecture as a factor of opportunity and reference.


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CALLS: Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA)

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