Building the city: Everyone's heritage

Today, the Ibero-American community, fully integrated into the globalisation of international relations, forms a large cultural space.

This identity, in our times, is marked by processes of development and urbanisation which, towards the end of the 20th century, have managed to constitute the urban as the main form of its distribution and concentration. In this way, the city emerges as the predominant place of individual and collective existence.

The complexity that economic, political, social, cultural and environmental discussions have been acquiring in relation to our cities make it necessary to redefine the forms of relationship between the built environment and nature, the forms of production and public and private management, as well as cultural, scientific and artistic expressions.

From appropriate policies to promote quality architecture and urban and territorial planning, to participation and the development of local and regional capacities for an autonomous and responsible approach to problems, we have the opportunity at this meeting to propose solutions for the theme of this Biennial: "The building of the city: Everyone's heritage" becomes not only a declaration of intent, but also a reality.

Directors of V BIAU

Marlice Soares de Acevedo - Curatorship of the Young Iberoamerican Architects Exhibition
Rosa Cervera - Coordination of Publications and Research Projects
Iñigo Cobeta - Coordination of the Online Ideas Competition


CALLS: Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA)


By categories

  • Museum of Contemporary Art of León (MUSAC)
    Museum of Contemporary Art of León (MUSAC) View Work file
  • Puente de Miraflores sobre el Guadalquivir
    Puente de Miraflores sobre el Guadalquivir View Work file
  • Frente Marítimo y Plaza del Mar
    Frente Marítimo y Plaza del Mar View Work file
  • Presidential complex in Galicia. Official residence of the President of Galicia
    Presidential complex in Galicia. Official residence of the President of Galicia View Work file
  • School in the Bolivian Amazon
    School in the Bolivian Amazon


Argentina : Gustavo Adolfo Azpiazu Mexico : Alberto Kalach President, Spain : Inés Sánchez de Madariaga Uruguay : Mariano Arana Spain : Gerardo Ayala Chile : Matías Klotz Peru : Jorge Garrido Lecca Barandiarán Brasil : Paulo Valentino Bruna Secretary, Peru : Enrique Bonilla di Tolla

  • Awards 2003-2004 via architecture. Architecture Papers
    Awards 2003-2004 via architecture. Architecture Papers
  • Urban Letters no. 11. International Journal of Urbanism AA.VV
    Urban Letters no. 11. International Journal of Urbanism AA.VV
  • The formwork and the arch
    The formwork and the arch
  • Le Corbusier, promenades
    Le Corbusier, promenades
  • The architecture of the courtyard
    The architecture of the courtyard
  • Inhabiting the roof
    Inhabiting the roof
  • Puff Pastry City: Urban Visions of the 21st Century
    Puff Pastry City: Urban Visions of the 21st Century
  • Portugal 2000-2005: 25 buildings of the 21st century
    Portugal 2000-2005: 25 buildings of the 21st century
  • EMBT. Enric Miralles, Benedetta Tagliabue. Work in progress
    EMBT. Enric Miralles, Benedetta Tagliabue. Work in progress
  • The tree, the road, the pond, in front of the house
    The tree, the road, the pond, in front of the house
  • Construction of invented landscapes. The domestic angels 1900-1960
    Construction of invented landscapes. The domestic angels 1900-1960
  • The magic box. Body and scene
    The magic box. Body and scene
  • Rafael Aburto, architect. The other modernity
    Rafael Aburto, architect. The other modernity
  • Le Corbusier: visions of technology in five eras
    Le Corbusier: visions of technology in five eras
  • The origins of San Sebastián's Cortázar suburb
    The origins of San Sebastián's Cortázar suburb
  • Civil works and cinema. A film couple
    Civil works and cinema. A film couple
  • Explorations 3. The urban exploration of the Barrancos. Santa Lucía de Tirajana
    Explorations 3. The urban exploration of the Barrancos. Santa Lucía de Tirajana
  • Explorations 4. Re-Conducting the periphery. San Cristóbal de la Laguna
    Explorations 4. Re-Conducting the periphery. San Cristóbal de la Laguna
  • Explorations 5. The creation of new sub-centres. The case of Tamarceite in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
    Explorations 5. The creation of new sub-centres. The case of Tamarceite in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
  • Cartagena de Indias, past, present and future
    Cartagena de Indias, past, present and future
  • Transfer
  • 0 monographs. Art and architecture magazine. House 3
    0 monographs. Art and architecture magazine. House 3
  • Visions
  • Sao Paulo. Vila, Cidade, Metrópole
    Sao Paulo. Vila, Cidade, Metrópole
  • Poetics of construction
    Poetics of construction
  • Urban planning and architectural patterns in low-income housing in Bogotá
    Urban planning and architectural patterns in low-income housing in Bogotá


Brasil : Abilio Guerra Brasil : Hugo Segawa Mexico : Antonio Toca Fernández Peru : René Poggione Spain : Rosa Cervera Spain : Elia Gutiérrez Mozo Colombia : Alberto Escovar Wilson-White Argentina : Ramón Gutiérrez Uruguay : Julio Gaeta

  • Rosa Grena Kliass
    Rosa Grena Kliass
  • Teodoro González de León
    Teodoro González de León

  • Poli House
    Poli House

  • Urban cartographies
    Urban cartographies
  • Heterogeneous integrations
    Heterogeneous integrations
  • The construction of the common space of Ibero-American culture between the impulse of modernisation and local pre-existences. City and architecture in specialised journals
    The construction of the common space of Ibero-American culture between the impulse of modernisation and local pre-existences. City and architecture in specialised journals


Venezuela : Abner Colmenares Spain : Elia Gutiérrez Mozo Peru : Oswaldo Velásquez Brasil : Wrana María Panizzi Argentina : Roberto Fernández

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