Spanish Architecture Prize 2017

"In the words of the jury, given the difficulty of a contemporary intervention in a historic context such as the Royal Palace complex in Madrid and the aim of undertaking an architectural exercise that resolves the topographical and landscape difficulties of the western cornice of the city, the Royal Collections Museum is capable of handling a massive influx of visitors and reinforcing pedestrian connections through a solid and coherent solution.

For its part, the jury valued the capacity of the Conference Centre, faced with the difficulty of undertaking a monumental scale on the seafront and dealing with two very different situations such as the view from the sea and the urban experience, to meet these challenges by providing the interior with a continuous succession of articulated spaces for the transit of a great public confluence.

In addition, the jury also wished to mention the projects for the Sala Beckett, Obrador Internacional de Dramaturgia de Barcelona (International Drama Centre) by Flores & Prats Arquitects, presented by Barcelona City Council, and the Industria de Montajes Eléctricos in Don Benito, Badajoz by the architect José María Sánchez García, presented by the Official College of Architects of Extremadura"


CALLS: Superior Council of Architects' Associations of Spain
IN COLLABORATION WITH: Higher Council of the Spanish Architects' Associations (CSCAE)


  • Palacio de Congresos y Hotel en Palma de Mallorca
    Palacio de Congresos y Hotel en Palma de Mallorca View Work file
  • Royal Collections Museum
    Royal Collections Museum View Work file


Deputy Director General for Architecture and Building, Directorate General for Architecture, Housing and Land of the Ministry of Development. : Francisco Javier Martín Ramiro President of the Jury. President of the CSCAE : Jordi Ludevid i Anglada Secretary General of the CSCAE. Secretary of the Jury. : Eloy Algorri García Architect nominated by the Plenary of the CSCAE : Inmaculada Esteban Maluenda Dean of the Official Association of Architects of Castilla y León-East, appointed by the Plenary of the CSCAE. : Carlos Miranda Barroso Deputy Director General for Works of the Autonomous Body for Education and Culture Infrastructures and Equipment Management of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports. : Amando Cuellas Pestaña

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