City of León Auditorium

The activation of the mechanisms for the insertion of the building in the consolidated area is highlighted, making it coexist naturally with historic buildings. The building brings new and forceful plastic resources to the essential problem of the "box" in contemporary architecture and separates an external "skin" as an active plane of the façade, giving autonomy to the compositional elements and coherence to the constructive and spatial languages through the rhythmic use of the series of light using internal and external chromatic and tectonic variations. In order to firmly resolve the spatial dialogues, this project makes intelligent use of architectural elements, scales and promotions. For the firm resolution of the spatial dialogues, this project resorts to an intelligent use of architectural elements, scales and promotions used with the brilliant sensitivity of a complex and lucid musical score.


CALLS: Superior Council of Architects' Associations of Spain
IN COLLABORATION WITH: Higher Council of the Spanish Architects' Associations (CSCAE)


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