School of Architecture in the former Military Hospital in Granada

"The Jury wanted to highlight the strategy followed in the reconversion of a historic building with a long chronological and functional history, capable of integrating the heterogeneity of the complex under a global concept that respects and unites diversity, carrying out this operation with an extraordinary sense of balance, stylistic restraint and professional skill. The Jury of the Award has also agreed to mention two works presented: the Building of six Housing Units in the Historical Centre of Pamplona, whose authors are Carlos Pereda Iglesias and Óscar Pérez Silanes and the Rehabilitation and extension of the Castillo de la Luz in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria by Fuensanta Nieto and Enrique Sobejano"


CALLS: Superior Council of Architects' Associations of Spain
IN COLLABORATION WITH: Higher Council of the Spanish Architects' Associations (CSCAE)


  • School of Architecture in the former Military Hospital in Granada
    School of Architecture in the former Military Hospital in Granada View Work file
  • Housing for rehousing in the historic quarter of Pamplona
    Housing for rehousing in the historic quarter of Pamplona View Work file
  • Museo Castillo de la Luz
    Museo Castillo de la Luz View Work file


Architect nominated by the Plenary of the Board of Governors : Ignacio García Pedrosa Secretary of the Jury. Secretary General of the CSCAE. : Eloy Algorri García Deputy Director General of the Spanish Cultural Heritage Institute of the Directorate General of Fine Arts and Cultural Heritage and of Archives and Libraries of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, representing the Minister : Alfonso Muñoz Cosme Deputy Director General for Land Policy of the Directorate General for Architecture, Housing and Land of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport, representing the Minister : Fernando Nasarre Goicoechea Architect nominated by the Plenary of the Board of Governors : Enrique Álvarez-Sala Walther President of the Jury. President of the CSCAE : Jordi Ludevid i Anglada

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