Spanish Architecture Prize 2019

The Climate Museum in Lerida, the work of Toni Gironés, and the fourteen subsidised housing units that make up the Life Reusing Posidonia project in the town of Sant Ferran, in Formentera, share the Spanish Architecture Award 2019 of the Higher Council of Architects Associations of Spain (CSCAE). The jury has considered that both works have the same merit to win this award, with which the Spanish architects wish to recognise the best works undertaken in the field of Architecture in our country in the past biennium. On this occasion, in addition to the architectural values of the work, the jury took the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN's "2030 Agenda" as a reference point.


CALLS: Superior Council of Architects' Associations of Spain
IN COLLABORATION WITH: Higher Council of the Spanish Architects' Associations (CSCAE)


  • Life Reusing Posidonia: 14 social housing units in Sant Ferran
    Life Reusing Posidonia: 14 social housing units in Sant Ferran View Work file
  • Museo del Clima en Lleida
    Museo del Clima en Lleida View Work file


Secretary of the CSCAE : Laureano Matas President of the Jury. First Vice-President of the CSCAE : Marta Vall-llosera Architect. Member : María Langarita Sánchez Architect. Member : Lucía Cano Pintos Director General for Architecture, Housing and Land : Javier Martín Director General of Fine Arts : Román Fernández-Baca

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