Albeida Tourist Complex

The Albeida Tourist Complex in A Coruña and the new Spatial Planning Guidelines for the Basque Country are the winning projects in the Architecture and Urban Planning 2020 awards of the Higher Council of Spanish Architects' Associations (CSCAE). Although in different fields, the two award-winning works share architectural values with those of sustainability and optimisation of resources, and aspire to rebalance the urban and natural habitat, as prescribed by the objectives of the UN's "Agenda 2030", thus achieving double excellence in the well-being and comfort of people and the quality of the built environment.


CALLS: Superior Council of Architects' Associations of Spain
IN COLLABORATION WITH: Higher Council of the Spanish Architects' Associations (CSCAE)



Member : Dolores Alonso Secretary General of the Urban Agenda and Housing : Elena SimónElisa Valero Member : José Manuel Gallego Jorreto Chairman of the Jury on behalf of the President of the CSCAE : Toni Gironès Saderra Member : Alberto Campo Baeza

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