El reto suburbano

All cities face their own sprawl, urban sprawl and fragmentation. The growing use of the car, the proliferation of peripheral shopping centres, the multiplication of leisure complexes and the growth of business areas seem to be leading us inexorably towards an urban model that could be described as a "dispersed city". However, there is a tendency to intervene in contemporary territories in order to reorganise them, following the planning tradition of European cities but associated with objectives related to urban sustainability.


This need for progressive transformation of the contemporary city is made possible by land opportunities and the emergence of a demand for spatial innovation brought about by changing lifestyles. While the growing autonomy of individuals, the diversity of behaviour within the same family, professional mobility and the speed of means of transport encourage the formation of long-distance cities, it is also true that, in return, we are witnessing a great demand for social life in the neighbourhood, which must be reworked from new bases. The question facing architects is how to transform the dispersed city in order to give it new values.

EUROPAN 7 proposes to address this issue at the interface between the urban scale and the architectural scale.


How to turn the city of sprawl and displacement into a sustainable, ecological city with urban values based on the new and emerging social and cultural demand? How can we ensure that the creation of new residential neighbourhoods, with innovative typologies and programmes, with programmes of complex uses, becomes a strategic tool for the qualification of suburban areas?



CALLS: Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA)
IN COLLABORATION WITH: Higher Council of the Spanish Architects' Associations (CSCAE) Ministry of Public Works Entidad Pública Empresarial de Suelo


By categories


Marta CervellóXaveer de GeyterFernando Márquez Cecilia Presidente del jurado : Carlos Arroyo ZapateroÁngel Fernández AlbaJavier Díaz-Llanos La RocheGerardo MingoMatthias Sauerbruch

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