Pritzker 1981

James Stirling

We honour James Stirling, a prodigy for so many years, as the leader of the great transition from the Modern Movement to the architecture of the New, an architecture that again has recognised historical roots, that again is closely related to the buildings around it, that again can be called a new tradition.

Originality within this tradition is Stirling's distinction: in the old "modern times", 45-degree angles in plan and section; today, surprising juxtapositions and transpositions of clearly classical and 19th century references.

Today, he influences the development of architecture in three countries - England, Germany and the United States - through the quality of his work.


CALLS: The Hyatt Foundation


  • James Stirling
    James Stirling


Vocal : Lord Clark of Saltwood Vocal : Arata Isozaki Jury Consultant : Arthur Drexler Vocal : Cesar Pelli President : J. Carter Brown Vocal : J. Irwin Miller Secretary of the Jury : Carleton Smith Vocal : Philip Johnson

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