Pritzker 2003

Jørn Utzon

Jørn Utzon is an architect whose roots go back through history, through Mayan, Chinese, Japanese, Islamic and many other cultures, including his own Scandinavian heritage. He combines these older heritages with his own balanced discipline, a sense of architecture as art and a natural instinct for organic structures related to site conditions. The range of his projects is vast, from the sculptural abstraction of the Sydney Opera House to beautiful housing, as well as a church that remains a masterpiece with its extraordinarily lyrical roofs and monumental public buildings for government and commerce.

His dwellings are designed not only to offer privacy to their inhabitants, but also pleasant views of the landscape and flexibility for individual activities; in short, they are designed with people in mind. There is no doubt that the Sydney Opera House is his masterpiece. It is one of the most emblematic buildings of the 20th century, an image of great beauty that has become known all over the world, a symbol not only of a city, but of a whole country and a continent.

"I like to be at the limit of what is possible," said Jørn Utzon. His work demonstrates to the world that he has been there and beyond, that in architecture the marvellous and the seemingly impossible can be achieved. He has always been ahead of his time. He rightly joins the group of modernists who have shaped the last century with buildings of timeless and enduring quality.


CALLS: The Hyatt Foundation


  • Jørn Utzon
    Jørn Utzon


Member : Ada Louise Huxtable Member : Frank Gehry President : Lord Rothschild Member : Giovanni Agnelli Member : Jorge Silvetti Member : Carlos Jiménez Executive Director : Bill Lacy

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