Pritzker 2017

RCR Arquitectes

Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem and Ramon Vilalta, three architects who have worked closely together for nearly 30 years on a deliberate and thoughtful approach to architecture, are recognised with the 2017 Pritzker Architecture Prize. Their works admirably and poetically fulfil the traditional requirements of architecture in terms of physical and spatial beauty along with functionality and craftsmanship, but what distinguishes them is their approach that creates buildings and places that are both local and universal at the same time. They set up their office, called RCR after their three first names, in Olot, their hometown in the Catalan region of northeastern Spain, resisting the call of the metropolis in favour of remaining closely connected to their roots. The process they have developed is a true partnership in which neither part nor all of a project can be attributed to one of the partners. Their creative approach is a constant mix of ideas and a continuous dialogue.

All their works have a strong sense of place and are closely related to the surrounding landscape. This connection arises from an understanding of history, natural topography, customs and cultures, among other things, and from the observation and experience of light, shadow, colours and seasons. The location of the buildings, the choice of materials and the geometries used are always intended to highlight the natural conditions and draw them into the building. The Bell-Lloc Winery (2007), in the town of Palamós, near Girona, Spain, for example, is a building embedded in the ground, which has to do with the earth that produces the grapes, the cool, dark cellars necessary for ageing the wine and the colour and weight of the earth. Extensive use of recycled steel merges the building with the earth and the openings between the steel slats allow light to enter.

The marquee (2011) that creates a space for events and outdoor dining at Les Cols restaurant in Olot is another example of the fusion of landscape and minimal modern materials to create a useful and popular venue. Some customers have said that they remind them of places for meals in the countryside with family and friends. The space fits into a valley carved out of the landscape by the architects. Strong volcanic stone walls support a lightweight, transparent polymer roof to protect against rain and sun. The furniture and vertical hanging blinds, which can subdivide the space, are also made of transparent plastic, emphasising the food, the party and the natural environment.

In other works, such as their own office (2007), a former foundry built in the early 20th century, the juxtaposition of past and present is carried out in the most thoughtful, clear and respectful way. Just as the exterior and the interior are closely intertwined in their works, so too are the new and the old. All of the original industrial building that might have remained was left "as it was". By adding new elements only where necessary and in contrasting materials, the architects demonstrate their love of tradition as well as innovation. The resulting building, which they call Laboratorio Barberí, is made up of varied, flexible and highly functional spaces. While Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem and Ramon Vilalta have a deep sense and knowledge of history, they use modern materials and constructions to create spaces that could not have been created before.

Another word that comes to mind when talking about the work of Aranda, Pigem and Vilalta is community. In both the bright and colourful El Petit Comte nursery (2010) in Besalú, Girona, and the Sant Antoni-Joan Oliver library, senior citizens' centre and Cándida Pérez gardens in Barcelona (2007), their main priority is the people who will inhabit the buildings. Looking at the rainbow colours of the tubes that define the school's exterior, it is clear that it is for the children's enjoyment, creativity and fantasy. The library, a commission that was won through a competition, like many of RCR's projects, is located within the fabric of an existing city block, and is a necessary amenity in this busy part of Barcelona. The library welcomes visitors. The richness and variety of spaces invite exploration and are informal enough to create a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. The library also serves as a gateway to an inner courtyard. The senior citizens' centre overlooks this space where children, library users, neighbours and the elderly can mingle.

The architects have also carried out important works outside their home in Catalonia. They have built in Belgium and France. The Soulages Museum (2014) in Rodez, France, for example, houses the works of abstract painter Pierre Soulages and forms a symbiosis with the artist, who seems to paint with light. This building of steel and solid geometric forms rises above the ground, seems to defy gravity and, like many of his other works, dialogues with the landscape. The architects have tried to create "a space as close as possible to nature, enhancing our sense of being part of it".

Today, many people around the world are asking themselves an important question, and it is not only about architecture, but also about law, politics and government. We live in a globalised world in which we have to rely on international influences, trade, debate, transactions, etc. But more and more people fear that, due to this international influence, we will lose our local values, art and customs. People are concerned and sometimes terrified by this idea. Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem and Ramon Vilalta say you can have it both ways. They help us to see, in a very beautiful and poetic way, that the answer to the question is not "this/or that" and that we can, at least in architecture, aspire to have both: our roots firmly rooted and our arms outstretched to the rest of the world. This is a very reassuring answer, especially when applied to other areas of modern human life as well.

Each building designed by these architects is special and makes no concessions to its time and place. Their work is always the fruit of a true partnership and is at the service of the community. They understand that architecture and its surroundings are intimately intertwined and know that the choice of materials and the craft of building are powerful tools for creating lasting and meaningful spaces. For these reasons, exemplified in all the work he has built, and for his ability to express the local but also the universal, uniting us with one another through architecture, Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem and Ramón Vilalta are awarded the 2017 Pritzker Architecture Prize.


CALLS: The Hyatt Foundation



Member : Kristin Feireiss Jury emeritus : Lord Palumbo Member : Yung Ho Chang Member : Stephen Breyer Executive Director : Martha Thorne Member : Richard Rogers Member : Benedetta Tagliabue Chairman of the Jury : Glenn Murcutt Member : Ratan Naval Tata

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