Pritzker 1987

Kenzo Tange

With talent, energy and a sufficiently long career, one can go from being a pioneer to a classic. This has been the happy fate of Kenzo Tange, who in his eighth decade is celebrated as an architect of international reputation. Alongside his practice, he has been an outstanding architectural theorist and inspirational teacher; well-known architects who have studied under him include Fumihiko Maki and Arata Isozaki. His stadiums for the Olympic Games held in Tokyo in 1964 are often described as among the most beautiful structures built in the 20th century. In preparing a design, Tange creates forms that touch our hearts because they seem to emerge from an ancient and vaguely remembered past, yet are astonishingly contemporary.


CALLS: The Hyatt Foundation


  • Kenzo Tange
    Kenzo Tange


Secretary of the Jury : Brendan Gill Vocal : Fumihiko Maki Vocal : Ada Louise Huxtable Vocal : Kevin Roche President : J. Carter Brown Vocal : Jacob Rothschild Vocal : Ricardo Legorreta Acting Jury Consultant : Stuart Wrede Vocal : Giovanni Agnelli

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