Spanish Architecture Prize 2013

"Nursery School in Pamplona. Among other values, the Jury highlights the project's ability to adapt to a difficult and ungrateful environment, which it revalues with a desire for discretion that makes a virtue of necessity, as well as the integration between the construction system and the configuration of the interior space. Cartuja Hospital. Among other values, the Jury highlights the permeable conception of the building; the complexity of its interior spaces, resolved with a limited range of materials, and the richness of the relationship between these and the exterior. They also agree to mention the offices for the Junta de Castilla y León in Zamora. Among other values, the Jury highlights the conceptual clarity and formal refinement; and the strategy of inserting a singular piece into the fabric of a historical ensemble"


CALLS: Superior Council of Architects' Associations of Spain
IN COLLABORATION WITH: Higher Council of the Spanish Architects' Associations (CSCAE)


  • La Milagrosa Nursery School in Pamplona
    La Milagrosa Nursery School in Pamplona View Work file
  • Advisory Council of Castilla y León
    Advisory Council of Castilla y León View Work file
  • Cartuja Institute of Advanced Medical Techniques
    Cartuja Institute of Advanced Medical Techniques View Work file

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