FAD 1993

1993 FAD

"In the harsh Spanish post-war period, materials were scarce and so were projects, and the regime imposed its bizarre Herrerian tastes. Many of the rationalist architects had been purged or had gone into exile. There were only the schools of architecture in Madrid and Barcelona, each of which graduated around fifteen architects a year. However, around 1955, a group of young Spanish architects began to reintroduce modern and contemporary architecture, and did their best to learn and catch up. Taking up the baton from the Barcelona City Council's former Annual Artistic Building Awards, which honoured Barcelona's architecture and commercial establishments between 1899 and 1930, the Fomento de las Artes Decorativas created the FAD Awards for Architecture and Interior Design in 1958, promoted by the architect Oriol Bohigas. They wanted to recognise the fruits of this incipient contemporary architecture, which was to become so important in the world a few decades later. Since then, the FAD Awards have awarded the best works of Barcelona, Catalan and Iberian architecture year after year. And they have done so with independence and constancy and overcoming all kinds of difficulties, to become the oldest awards in Europe - and perhaps in the world - and one of the most prestigious"





By categories

  • Expansion of El Corte Inglés in Barcelona
    Expansion of El Corte Inglés in Barcelona View Work file
  • 200 homes in Mollet del Vallès
    200 homes in Mollet del Vallès View Work file
  • Central sports facilities building
    Central sports facilities building View Work file
  • Sant Cugat Cultural Centre
    Sant Cugat Cultural Centre View Work file
  • Studio house for a photographer
    Studio house for a photographer View Work file
  • Nave Industrial en el Polígono Pedrosa
    Nave Industrial en el Polígono Pedrosa View Work file
  • Estación de ferrocarril de la Generalitat de Catalunya
    Estación de ferrocarril de la Generalitat de Catalunya View Work file
  • Escola Politècnica 2 de la UdG
    Escola Politècnica 2 de la UdG View Work file
  • Casa Garcini
    Casa Garcini View Work file
  • Reforma del Mercado Municipal de Girona
    Reforma del Mercado Municipal de Girona View Work file
  • Escola Les Pruneres
    Escola Les Pruneres View Work file
  • Hospital Comarcal de la Selva
    Hospital Comarcal de la Selva View Work file
  • Instituto Angeleta Ferrer i Sensat
    Instituto Angeleta Ferrer i Sensat View Work file
  • Almacén y oficinas Nissan
    Almacén y oficinas Nissan View Work file
  • CEIP Wagner
    CEIP Wagner View Work file
  • Colegio Público Els Pinets Zer Vall de Ter
    Colegio Público Els Pinets Zer Vall de Ter View Work file
  • Vivienda unifamiliar en el Puerto de la Selva
    Vivienda unifamiliar en el Puerto de la Selva View Work file
  • Sede central de FECSA y Parque de las Tres Chimeneas
    Sede central de FECSA y Parque de las Tres Chimeneas View Work file
  • Polideportivo Abelardo Vera
    Polideportivo Abelardo Vera View Work file
  • Edificio de viviendas en Joc de la Pilota 7
    Edificio de viviendas en Joc de la Pilota 7 View Work file
  • Edificio de viviendas en Ases 1
    Edificio de viviendas en Ases 1 View Work file
  • Facultad de Humanidades en el antiguo convento de Sant Domènec
    Facultad de Humanidades en el antiguo convento de Sant Domènec View Work file
  • Instituto Público Marina
    Instituto Público Marina View Work file
  • Biblioteca Municipal Montserrat Roig
    Biblioteca Municipal Montserrat Roig View Work file
  • Nuevo Palacio del Abad del Monasterio de Poblet
    Nuevo Palacio del Abad del Monasterio de Poblet View Work file
  • Palau Nou de la Rambla
    Palau Nou de la Rambla View Work file
  • Hostalets Social Centre & Town Hall
    Hostalets Social Centre & Town Hall View Work file
  • Rehabilitación de la fachada de la Casa de la Marina
    Rehabilitación de la fachada de la Casa de la Marina View Work file
  • Estación de ferrocarriles de Rubí
    Estación de ferrocarriles de Rubí View Work file
  • Escuela Nabí en Vallvidrera
    Escuela Nabí en Vallvidrera View Work file
  • Bon Ton House
    Bon Ton House View Work file
  • Margarida House
    Margarida House View Work file


Architect - member : Roberto Ercilla Architect - member : Manuel Brullet i Tenas Painter - member : Joan Hernández Pijuan Publisher - member : Carme Llopis Director of the Thyssen Bornermisza Museum - member : Tomàs Llorens Secretary of FAD - Secretary : Jaume Casademont President of FAD - president : Pep Alemany Architect - member : Daniel Freixes

  • Ceremonia de los premios Laus 92
    Ceremonia de los premios Laus 92 View Work file

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