FAD 2001

2001 FAD

"In the harsh Spanish post-war period, materials were scarce and so were projects, and the regime imposed its bizarre Herrerian tastes. Many of the rationalist architects had been purged or had gone into exile. There were only the schools of architecture in Madrid and Barcelona, each of which graduated around fifteen architects a year. However, around 1955, a group of young Spanish architects began to reintroduce modern and contemporary architecture, and did their best to learn and catch up. Taking up the baton from the Barcelona City Council's former Annual Artistic Building Awards, which honoured Barcelona's architecture and commercial establishments between 1899 and 1930, the Fomento de las Artes Decorativas created the FAD Awards for Architecture and Interior Design in 1958, promoted by the architect Oriol Bohigas. They wanted to recognise the fruits of this incipient contemporary architecture, which was to become so important in the world a few decades later. Since then, the FAD Awards have awarded the best works of Barcelona, Catalan and Iberian architecture year after year. And they have done so with independence and constancy and overcoming all kinds of difficulties, to become the oldest awards in Europe - and perhaps in the world - and one of the most prestigious"



By categories

  • Fine Arts Museum of Castellón
    Fine Arts Museum of Castellón View Work file
  • Aulario III University Campus of Alicante
    Aulario III University Campus of Alicante View Work file
  • Restoration of the Church of San Lorenzo de Valdemaqueda
    Restoration of the Church of San Lorenzo de Valdemaqueda View Work file
  • Centro de Salud en el barrio de San Juan
    Centro de Salud en el barrio de San Juan View Work file
  • Edificio de viviendas en la calle Doctor Fleming
    Edificio de viviendas en la calle Doctor Fleming View Work file
  • Edificio de servicios en Balarés
    Edificio de servicios en Balarés View Work file
  • Habitatges de protecció oficial al Prat de Llobregat
    Habitatges de protecció oficial al Prat de Llobregat View Work file
  • Cementerio Municipal de La Llagosta
    Cementerio Municipal de La Llagosta View Work file
  • Escuela de Bressol en Creixell (Ball de Diables)
    Escuela de Bressol en Creixell (Ball de Diables) View Work file
  • Estación invernal de Manzaneda
    Estación invernal de Manzaneda View Work file
  • Nueva sede del Institut de Teatre
    Nueva sede del Institut de Teatre View Work file
  • Wharf and service building in the Port of Alicante
    Wharf and service building in the Port of Alicante View Work file
  • Edificio de viviendas en Sant Vicenç de Montalt
    Edificio de viviendas en Sant Vicenç de Montalt View Work file
  • Instituto Camarles
    Instituto Camarles View Work file
  • Tanatorio Municipal de León
    Tanatorio Municipal de León View Work file
  • CEIP Pompeu Fabra en Cunit
    CEIP Pompeu Fabra en Cunit View Work file
  • Centro de Salud de Buñuel
    Centro de Salud de Buñuel View Work file
  • Imprenta Gráficas Palermo
    Imprenta Gráficas Palermo View Work file
  • Edificio de viviendas. Unidad de actuación 18
    Edificio de viviendas. Unidad de actuación 18 View Work file
  • Puente de la Puerta de Europa
    Puente de la Puerta de Europa View Work file
  • Pabellón auxiliar en Begur
    Pabellón auxiliar en Begur View Work file
  • Bilbao Exhibition Centre
    Bilbao Exhibition Centre View Work file
  • Facultad de Ciencias Salud (UIC)
    Facultad de Ciencias Salud (UIC) View Work file
  • Viviendas en la Plaza Cerdà
    Viviendas en la Plaza Cerdà View Work file
  • Pabellón y Piscina en Castellbisbal
    Pabellón y Piscina en Castellbisbal View Work file
  • Edificio de viviendas en avenida de Roma 142-144
    Edificio de viviendas en avenida de Roma 142-144 View Work file
  • Escuela en Seròs
    Escuela en Seròs View Work file
  • Conjunto de 50 viviendas de protección oficial, locales comerciales y aparcamiento en Poblenou
    Conjunto de 50 viviendas de protección oficial, locales comerciales y aparcamiento en Poblenou View Work file
  • Regatta Club in Cartagena
    Regatta Club in Cartagena View Work file
  • Vivienda unifamiliar en Gorraiz, Monte Malkaiz
    Vivienda unifamiliar en Gorraiz, Monte Malkaiz View Work file
  • Piscinas municipales en Sada
    Piscinas municipales en Sada View Work file
  • Vivienda Montmany
    Vivienda Montmany View Work file
  • Renovation of Casa Mas
    Renovation of Casa Mas View Work file
  • Biblioteca Pública María Moliner
    Biblioteca Pública María Moliner View Work file


Architect - member : Ángela García Paredes Quantity surveyor - member : Joan Ardèvol President of ARQUINFAD - member : Jon Montero Architect - member : Annete Gigon Interior designer - member : Antoni Arola Architect - member : Félix Arranz Engineer - member : Gabriel Robert Architect - president : Carles Ferrater Lambarri

  • La Granja stairs
    La Granja stairs View Work file
  • Escultura de luz en el carrer Bon Pastor
    Escultura de luz en el carrer Bon Pastor View Work file
  • Conexión peatonal de Sant Adrià de Besòs sobre la Gran Vía
    Conexión peatonal de Sant Adrià de Besòs sobre la Gran Vía View Work file
  • Light Sphere
    Light Sphere View Work file

  • Livraria Almedina
    Livraria Almedina

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