FAD 2013

2013 FAD

The jury selected 68 of the almost 500 entries from the Architecture, Interior Design, City and Landscape and Ephemeral Interventions categories. It has understood that these are the ones that represent the profession's capacity to produce works of a good standard, always in favour of the habitability of their spaces, the comfort of their users, the sustainability of their construction, the contribution of a new typology or the improvement of the common landscape. To all of them, we acknowledge that they bring many of these qualities to our daily lives. From this selection we have chosen 27 works as finalists. They are now eligible for special recognition from the FAD, as are their Awards.

The jury has tried to ensure that these Awards are not the result of a competition but rather a recognition of the attitude of how to face today's problems and the skill and talent to solve them. Some works, because of their exemplary nature, and others because of their exceptional nature. Works that deserve to be visited, experienced, analysed, interpreted and appreciated as common heritage.

Ephemeral Interventions

For its capacity to relate intimately to the industrial building in which it takes place, as well as to offer new possibilities for alternative activities, the jury valued the capacity of this magical, evocative and simple installation of backlit silhouettes which, playing with colour and movement, manages to recreate the mystery and illusion of a fairy tale for adults and children, and therefore recognised, in the category of Ephemeral Interventions, the installation by Xevi Bayona, Almacén de los Reyes Magos(Warehouse of the Three Wise Men) in the old Fabra i Coats factory in Barcelona.

Interior design

For his wise interpretation of the role of interior design in improving the habitability of spaces... For the delicacy and precision of a minimalist intervention in a classic venue, whose initial qualities it knows how to maintain without cutting them... For his ability to readjust what is strictly essential to adapt it to new needs, with astuteness, efficiency and skill, ensuring that the premises maintain the values that have consolidated it while giving it a new air... And for the coherence of the final formal result with respect to the original space, the elegant language of which it knows how to maintain and enhance, the jury decided to award the FAD Interior Design Award to the renovation of the Giardinnetto, by Ivan Pomés and Max Llamazares (Llamazares Pomés Arquitectura).

City and Landscape

For its capacity to become a nodal point that transcends the place where it is implanted and dynamises the adjacent urban environment, taking the initial requirements beyond the expectations... For their ability to generate - through an apparently simple intervention, with a lasting materiality and a rigorous and daring language - a multi-purpose space for neighbourhood relations that also proposes alternatives to pedestrian mobility... And for their contribution to the transformation of a river front with an unquestionable impact on the improvement of the urban landscape... The jury awards the 2013 FAD City and Landscape Award to the public space La Lira, in Ripoll, by architects Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem and Ramon Vilalta (RCR Aranda Pigem Vilalta Arquitectes SLP) and Joan Puigcorbé.


The jury would like to point out that Eulalia Aran, despite the fact that the rules allow it, did not want to participate in the discussions and final verdict of the Architecture Awards because of the links with one of the authors of the finalist works and thus avoid any misunderstanding The Jury of the FAD Architecture Awards, in its 2013 edition, has decided to recognize the merits of two works that, while diverse, share some values: On the one hand, for his ability to make the experience of its users memorable, through rich open spaces; for his flexibility to introduce social and sporting uses that go beyond its central use and open it up to the community; for his success in integrating the different pieces of architecture into a rugged topography without the size of the whole having a negative impact on the territory; for his ability, despite the complexity of the programme, to integrate in a single language the intervention on the existing building and the creation of new pieces; for the creation of a careful system of composition and detailing and for his skill in overcoming the economic contingencies and deadlines that arose throughout the process; the jury awards a FAD Architecture Prize to the Escola Básica e Secundária de Sever do Vouga, by Pedro Domingos (Pedro Domingos Arquitectos). On the other hand, for his capacity to transcend the immediate; to flee from preconceived solutions; to redefine the value we give to materials and forms; to combine cultural, social and economic promotion uses; to adjust to the conditions of the productive context''





By categories

  • Fabra & Coats. Social housing and industrial heritage
    Fabra & Coats. Social housing and industrial heritage View Work file
  • Espacio Transmisor del Túmulo / Dolmen megalítico de Seró. Artesa de Segre
    Espacio Transmisor del Túmulo / Dolmen megalítico de Seró. Artesa de Segre View Work file
  • Social housing in Sa Pobla
    Social housing in Sa Pobla View Work file
  • Casa para tres hermanas
    Casa para tres hermanas View Work file
  • Escuela Infantil de Berriozar
    Escuela Infantil de Berriozar View Work file
  • Tent at Les Cols restaurant
    Tent at Les Cols restaurant View Work file
  • 57 university housing units on the ETSAV campus
    57 university housing units on the ETSAV campus View Work file
  • Sede central del Banco Sabadell
    Sede central del Banco Sabadell View Work file
  • School of Hotel Management in the Old Slaughterhouse
    School of Hotel Management in the Old Slaughterhouse View Work file
  • Rehabilitación de un edificio en el casco antiguo de Pamplona
    Rehabilitación de un edificio en el casco antiguo de Pamplona View Work file
  • Centro Penitenciario Mas d'Enric
    Centro Penitenciario Mas d'Enric View Work file
  • Colegio Santa María del Llano en Ogíjares
    Colegio Santa María del Llano en Ogíjares View Work file
  • Centro de Formación e Interpretación de valores culturales y etnográficos del Mandeo
    Centro de Formación e Interpretación de valores culturales y etnográficos del Mandeo View Work file
  • Centro de Interpretración en Sabayés
    Centro de Interpretración en Sabayés View Work file
  • Comisaría de los Mossos d'Esquadra de Tarragona
    Comisaría de los Mossos d'Esquadra de Tarragona View Work file
  • Casa Básica
    Casa Básica View Work file
  • Establecimiento VIENA en Sant Pau de Río Seco
    Establecimiento VIENA en Sant Pau de Río Seco View Work file
  • 32 Viviendas protegidas, garajes y locales comerciales
    32 Viviendas protegidas, garajes y locales comerciales View Work file
  • Ampliación del IES Cap Norfeu de Roses
    Ampliación del IES Cap Norfeu de Roses View Work file
  • Casa en El Port de la Selva
    Casa en El Port de la Selva View Work file
  • Can Lluís i n'Eulalia
    Can Lluís i n'Eulalia View Work file
  • Renaissance Barcelona Fira Hotel
    Renaissance Barcelona Fira Hotel View Work file


Technical architect - vocal : Eulàlia Aran Architect- Member : Jordi Farrando Architect- Member : Eva Prats Architect and interior designer - president : Dani Freixes Architect- Member : Maier Vélez Architect- Member : Nuno Sampaio

  • Public space Teatro La Lira
    Public space Teatro La Lira View Work file
  • Edificio perimetral y adecuación del Templo romano de Diana
    Edificio perimetral y adecuación del Templo romano de Diana View Work file
  • Adaptation of the Roman site of Can Tacó
    Adaptation of the Roman site of Can Tacó View Work file
  • Paseo marítimo de Badalona
    Paseo marítimo de Badalona View Work file
  • Matadero Madrid. ESCARAVOX
    Matadero Madrid. ESCARAVOX View Work file
  • Proyecto de recuperación ambiental y puesta en valor del entorno de la fortaleza y playa fluvial de Goián
    Proyecto de recuperación ambiental y puesta en valor del entorno de la fortaleza y playa fluvial de Goián View Work file
  • Mirador Erwin Broner
    Mirador Erwin Broner View Work file



Architect, writer and blogger - Spokesperson : Ethel Braona Architect - President : Xavier Monteys Architect and publisher - Member : Guillermo López

  • Reforma del Restaurante Il Giardinetto
    Reforma del Restaurante Il Giardinetto View Work file

  • Fabra & Coats. La factoría y almacén de los Reyes Magos
    Fabra & Coats. La factoría y almacén de los Reyes Magos View Work file

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