PNA 1934

Preliminary Project for a Car and Folk Art Museum

Gaceta de Madrid nº 350, 16 December 1934.

"Hon. Mr.:

Having regard to the minutes of the Jury of this year's National Architecture Competition, dated 11 of this year, signed by Mr. Pedro. Muguruza, President, and the Members. Mr. Antonio Palacios, Mr. Secundino Zuazo, Mr. Manuel de Cárdenas and Mr. R. Aníbal Álvarez, and the Secretary of the National Competitions, Luis Cuervo y Jaén: In the aforementioned minutes, the Jury, after examining, studying and comparing conscientiously all the projects presented, unanimously agreed to propose the following to the Superiority:

1. That of the prize of 12,000 pesetas, 8,000 be awarded to the author of project number 6, Mr. Luis Moya Blanco, and, as runners-up, 2,000 pesetas to the author of project number 1, and another 2,000 to the author of project number 10, Mr. Lorenzo González Iglesias and Mr. Luis Durán, respectively.

2. That the prize of 5,000 pesetas be awarded to the author of project number 3, Santiago Esteban de la Mora.

3. That the runner-up prize of 3,000 pesetas be awarded to the author of project number 9, Manuel Sánchez Arcas: Considering that all the formalities of the call for this competition, which was published by Ministerial Order of 5 June last (GACETA of 7 June), have been complied with, and that the sum of the amounts proposed is exactly the same as the total amount indicated in the said call for tender.

This Ministry has approved the proposal of the Jury and has ordered the following:

1. That the prize of 12,000 pesetas be awarded: 8.000 to Mr. Luis Moya Blanco and, as runners-up, pesetas 2,000 to Mr. Lorenzo González Iglesias and 2,000 to Mr. Luis Durán.

2. That the prize of 5,000 pesetas be awarded to Mr. Santiago Esteban de la Mora.

3. That the runner-up prize of 3,000 pesetas be awarded to Mr Manuel Sánchez Arcas.

4. That by the Payment Authorisation of this Ministry, the total amount of 20,000 pesetas be firmly released from the Central Treasury, in favour of the authorised person Mr. Rufino Gonzáles Povedano, to be paid to the aforementioned gentlemen and charged to Chapter 21, single article, second concept, of the budget for the first half of the current year.

I am writing to you for your information and use.

Madrid, 13 December 1934.


Mr Director General of Fine Arts."


CALLS: Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA)


  • Preliminary Project for a Car and Folk Art Museum
    Preliminary Project for a Car and Folk Art Museum View Work file


Member : Aníbal Álvarez President of the Jury : Pedro Muguruza Member : Manuel de Cárdenas Member : Secundino Zuazo Ugalde Member : Antonio Palacios Member : Luis Cuervo y Jaén

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