PNA 1946

Project for an access plaza to the aqueduct of Segovia, on the eastern side

ORDER of 31 December 1946 resolving the 1946 National Architecture Competition.


Having regard to the file on the resolution of the National Architecture Award corresponding to the current year, and Having regard to the fact that the Ministerial Order of 23 February of this year called for the aforementioned National Award, the theme of which was a project for an access plaza to the Aqueduct of Segovia, offering a prize of 25,000 pesetas and a runner-up prize of 4,000 pesetas; it turned out that by Ministerial Order of 7 August of the following year, and accepting the generous offer of the Hon. Segovia City Council, a second prize of 10,000 pesetas, instituted by the aforementioned Corporation, for the most viable project, designating Mr. Javier Cabello Dodero as a representative on the Jury, for the sole purpose of awarding the aforementioned runner-up prize; As a result, after the corresponding procedure, the Jury, chaired by Mr. Francisco Iñiguez Almech, and of which Mr. Pedro Bidagor and Mr. Luis Moya Blanco also form part, with absolute unanimity in all aspects, states its satisfaction for the exceptional nature of this Competition, which Spanish architects have entered with such enthusiasm; as well as the merits very worthy of being taken into account, which they observe in each and every one of the works presented, and then, with equal unanimity, agrees to propose:

1. The prize of 25,000 pesetas be awarded to the project by Luis Laorga and Javier Sáenz Oíza, in merit of its excellent artistic qualities and its adaptation to the site; and the runner-up prize of 4,000 pesetas be awarded to Manuel Muñoz Monasterio, although raising it to the sum of 8,000 pesetas and as a purchase

2. The acquisition, in the amount of 6,000 pesetas each, of the four projects presented by Mr Federico Faci and Mr Pedro Escorial, Mr Martin José Mercido and Mr Rafael Aburto, Mr Manuel Manzano Monis and Mr Vicente Figuerola, all of them being works of great interest.

It being understood that Mr Javier Cabello Dodero, representative of the Hon. Segovia City Council, and with the same unanimity as the previous agreements, proposes that the second prize of 10,000 pesetas offered by the aforementioned Corporation be awarded to Mr Luis Laorga and Mr Javier Sáenz Oíza, as the authors of the most viable project of all those presented, This Ministry, in accordance with the above proposal, and in view of the Ministerial Order of 23 February last, has resolved:

1. To award the announced prize of 25,000 pesetas to the project authored by Luis Laorga and Javier Sáenz Oíza, and a runner-up prize of 8,000 pesetas to Manuel Muñoz Monasterio, as a purchase

2. Acquire, in the amount of 6,000 pesetas each, the four projects presented by Don Federico Faci and Don Pedro Escorial, Don Martin José Marcide and Don Rafael Aburto, Don Manuel Manzano Monís and Don Vicente Figuerola

3. To award a runner-up prize of 10,000 pesetas offered by the Excmo. City Council of Segovia to Mr Luis Larga and Mr Javier Sáenz Oíza, for the work of which they are authors, and That the amount of the sums expressed in the first and second paragraphs be paid from the appropriation entered in chapter one, article two, group six, concept 14. number 3 of the current expenditure budget of the Department, having been acknowledged by the Accounting Section on the 28th of the current month, and by the General Intervention of the State Administration on the following 31st, being drawn on the Central Treasury and in the name of the authorised person, of National Competitions, Mr. Andrés Gordillo González.

I hereby inform you of this for your information and use.

May God bless you for many years to come.

Madrid, 31 December 1946


llmo. Mr. Director General, Fine Arts"


CALLS: Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA)


  • Project for an access plaza to the aqueduct of Segovia, on the eastern side
    Project for an access plaza to the aqueduct of Segovia, on the eastern side View Work file


Architect : Luis Moya Blanco Architect : Javier Cabello DoderoPedro Bidagor President of the Jury : Francisco Íñiguez Almech

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