PNA 1969

CIPE Costume Museum

ORDER of 6 June 1969 awarding the prizes in the national Fine Arts competitions for Painting, Sculpture, Drawing, Engraving, Literature and Architecture.


By Ministerial Order of 12 December 1963 (Official State Gazette of 6 January 1969), the national competitions for 1969 were announced. The Jury appointed for the same in the Painting, Sculpture, Drawing, Engraving, Literature and Architecture Sections by Ministerial Order of 12 March last (Official State Gazette of 9 April) submits to this Department a proposal for the awarding of prizes in the aforementioned Sections. By virtue thereof, at the proposal of the Directorate General of Fine Arts, This Ministry has resolved to give its approval to the said proposal and, consequently, to award the following prizes:


Prize: Mr. Mariano Peláez Langa, for his work entitled "Evax".

Second prize: Ms. Maria Teresa Peña Echeveste, for her work entitled "Café de periferia".


Prize: Desert.

Second prize: Mr. Amador Rodrigues Menéndes, for his project for a monument to Ramiro de Maeztu.


Prize: Mr. Julio Augusto Zachrisson Acevedo, for his work entitled "Astronauta subdesarrollados."

Second prize: Mr José Antonio Molina Sánchez, for his work entitled "Dibujos."


Prize: Mr. Ignacio Berriobefia Elorza, for his work entitled "El Teatrillo".

Second prize: Mr Julián Santamaría López, for his work entitled "¿Será posible?"


Prize: Mr. Carlos Areán, for his work on art criticism during 1963 and 1969.


Prize: Mr Jaime López de Asiaín and Mr Ángel Diaz Domínguez, for the project of the Spanish Museum of Contemporary Art.

I am writing to you for your information and use.

May God bless you .

Madrid, 8 June 1999.

-P. D., Undersecretary Alberto Monreal. Hon. Mr. Director General of Fine Arts."


CALLS: Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA)



Painter : Manuel López-Villasefior Writer : José García Nieto Engraver : Julio Prieto Nespereira Architect : Rafael de la Hoz Arderius Sculptor : José Luis Sánchez Fernández Critic : Joaquín de la Puente Pérez Cartoonists : José Caballero Muñoz-Caballero

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