PNA 1947

Development of the lower area of Toledo Street

ORDER of 26 November 1947, resolving the National Architecture Competition for the current year.

"Hon. Mr.:

Having regard to the file on the resolution of the national architecture competition corresponding to the current year, and Having regard to the fact that by ministerial order of 14 April last the aforementioned national competition was announced, the theme of which was a project for the urbanisation of the area around the Puerta de Toledo and the roundabout of the Pyramids up to the Toledo bridge, with a prize of 25,000 pesetas and a runner-up prize of 5,000 pesetas; As a result, on the next 22 November the Jury for this competition, chaired by Mr. Luis Moya Blanco, and also including Mr. Diego Méndez and Mr. Mariano Rodriguez de Rivas, agreed to proceed to examine the only work submitted for this competition; Having carefully checked this, the Jury unanimously proposes that the announced prize of 25,000 pesetas be awarded to the project authored by Ricardo Andón, Federico García Villar and Luis Rodriguez Hernández, noting only that in the event of its implementation this project would need a detailed study to adjust to the characteristics of the problem, and should be considered as a well-oriented advance for the development of this important access to Madrid; and that it be declared void. This Ministry, in view of the above proposal and the Ministerial Order of 14 April last, has resolved:

1. To award Mr Ricardo Añadón, Mr Federico Garcia Villary, Mr Luis Rodriguez Hernández the announced prize of 25,000 pesetas, for the urbanisation project of the Puerta de Toledo in Madrid, of which they are the joint authors, noting that if this project were to be carried out, it would require a detailed study.

2. To declare the runner-up prize of 5,000 pesetas offered as not awarded. 3. That the amount of the aforementioned sums be paid from the appropriation entered in chapter one, article two, group six, concept 15, subcept three of the current budget of this budget. Department, whose expenditure was reported by the Accounting Section on 13th March last, and by the General Intervention of the State Administration on the 25th of the same month, being drawn against the Central Treasury and in the name of the authorised agent of National Competitions, Mr. Andrés Gordillo González

I am informing you for your information and use.

May God bless you for many years to come.

Madrid, 26 November 1947


Hon.. Mr. Director General of Fine Arts"


CALLS: Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA)


  • Development of the lower area of Toledo Street
    Development of the lower area of Toledo Street View Work file


President of the Jury : Luis Moya Blanco Architect : Mariano Rodríguez de Rivas Architect : Diego Méndez

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