PNA 1954

A chapel on the Camino de Santiago

ORDER of 30 December 1954, resolving the National Architecture Competition for 1954.

"Hon. Mr:

Having regard to the file on the resolution of the National Architecture Award for the current year; and Having regard to the fact that by Ministerial Order of the 1st of July last, the aforementioned National Competition was announced, the theme of which was a preliminary project for a Chapel on the Camino de Santiago, offering a prize of 15,000 pesetas and a runner-up prize of 8,000 pesetas.As a result, after the corresponding procedure, the Jury chaired by Mr. Modesto López Otero, and also including Mr. Luis Moya Blanco and Mr. José Luis Fernández del Amo, unanimously proposes to award the prize of 15,000 pesetas to the preliminary project presented by Mr. Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oíza and Mr. José Luis Romany Aranda. This Ministry, having seen the above proposal, has resolved to approve it; 

1st To award the announced prize of 15,000 pesetas to the preliminary project for the Chapel on the Camino de Santiago, the authors of which are Francisco Javier Sáenz Oíza and José Luis Romany Aranda.

2nd. To declare the runner-up prize of 8,000 pesetas as not awarded; and 3rd. That the amount of the prize awarded be paid from the credit consigned in chapter one, article two, group seven, concept 18, sub-concept two, of the current budget of this Department, the expenditure of which was reported by the Accounting and Budget Section of the Ministry on 14 June and by the Delegate Treasury Inspector in the same on 16 of the aforementioned month, the appropriate payroll being formalised by the Authorised Officer of this Ministry.

I am telling you this for your information and use.

May God bless you for many years,

Madrid 30 December 1954



CALLS: Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA)


  • A chapel on the Camino de Santiago
    A chapel on the Camino de Santiago View Work file


Architect : José Luis Fernández del Amo Moreno President of the Jury : Modesto López Otero Architect : Luis Moya Blanco

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