PNA 1942

Solution for the transept of the cathedral of Valladolid and urbanisation of the surrounding area

ORDER of 30 September 1942 extending the deadline for the submission of projects to the national Architecture competition, announced by Ministerial Order of 25 June 1942, until 31 October 1942.

"Hon. Mr.:

In view of the proposals made by the Juries of the National Competitions for the current year, in the sections of Painting, Sculpture, Engraving, Decorative Art and Architecture, convened by Ministerial Order of 25 June last, this Ministry has had the goodwill to:

1. To ratify the resolution of the Painting Competition, awarding the prize of 4,000 pesetas announced for theme a) to Mr. Francisco Bonnin, and, declaring the prize of 4,000 pesetas corresponding to theme b) to be void, to transfer it to the first mentioned theme, awarding it to Mr. Ceferino Olivé Cabré.

2. To ratify the declaration that the prizes of 30,000 and 20,000 pesetas announced respectively for themes a) and b) of the Sculpture section were declared void.

3. To ratify the declaration of the reduction to 2,000 pesetas of the prize of 5,000 pesetas announced for the Engraving section and to award it as a reward to Mr. Camilo Delhom Rodriguez.

4. To ratify the resolution of the Decorative Art Competition, awarding the prize for theme a) of 4,000 pesetas to Mr. José Morell Macias; the prize for theme b) of 1,000 pesetas to Mr. Eduardo Narbona, and declaring the runner-up prize of 500 pesetas for theme b) and the prize of 1,000 pesetas and the runner-up prize of 500 pesetas for theme c) transferring them to theme a), and awarding them as rewards, in the amount of 500 pesetas each, to Mr. Ricardo Summers, Mr. Antonio Pérez Vicente, Mr. Napoleón Campos and Mr. Vicente Vila.

5. To award the prize of 25,000 pesetas announced for the Architecture section to the project by Mr. Manuel Martínez Chumillas and Mr. Carlos de Miguel, and transferring to this section the 20,000 pesetas declared void in item b) of the Sculpture section, to award them to the project presented by Mr. Carlos Sidro de la Puerta, Mr. Fernando Chueca and Mr. José Subirana, with the runner-up prize of 3,000 pesetas going to Mr. Constantino Candeira Pérez.

6. That the amount of these prizes be paid from the appropriation consigned in chapter one, article two, group five, concept 13, number three of the current Budget of this Department, the expenditure of which has been reported by the Accounting Section on 29 December of this year and by the General Intervention of the State Administration on 31 December of the same year, these amounts being released in favour of the person in charge of National Competitions, Mr. Andrés Gordillo González.

I am writing to you for your information and use.

May God bless you for many years to come.

Madrid, 31 December 1942.


Hon. Mr. Director General of Fine Arts."


CALLS: Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA)


  • Solution for the transept of the cathedral of Valladolid and urbanisation of the surrounding area
    Solution for the transept of the cathedral of Valladolid and urbanisation of the surrounding area View Work file


Architect : Modesto López OteroFrancisco Iñiguez AlmechManuel Gómez Moreno

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