PNA 1931

Open-air cinematograph in a village in the Levante region of Spain

Gaceta de Madrid nº 360, 26 December 1931.

"Hon. Mr.:

Having regard to the official report-proposal submitted to this Ministry by the Jury of the National Architecture Competition, dated the 19th of the current month, made up of Mr. Segundino Zuazo, Mr. Luis Lacasa and Mr. Eugenio Sánchez Lozano: As a result, the aforementioned Jury proposes to the Superiority that the prize of 4,000 pesetas be awarded to Mr. Aníbal Álvarez, for his project "Open-air Cinematograph, in a village in Levante"; that the second prize, of 3,000 pesetas, be awarded to Messrs. Mr. Joaquín Yarranz, Mr. Luis Villanueva y Artiñano, for his project "Cinema in a dry cold climate", and the third prize of 2,000 pesetas to Mr. Fernando García Mercadal, for his project "Popular cinema in a Mediterranean city": Considering that the proposal of the Jury is in accordance with the rules of the competition and has been unanimously approved, this Ministry has decided as follows:

1. That the prize of 4,000 pesetas be awarded to Mr. Anibal Álvarez, for his project "Outdoor cinematograph, in a village in the Levante region."

2. That the prize of 3,000 pesetas be awarded to Messrs. Mr. Joaquín Yarranz, Mr. Luis Villanueva, and Artiñano, for their project "Cinema in a dry cold climate".

3. That the prize of 2,000 pesetas be awarded to Mr Fernando García Mercarial, "Popular cinema in a Mediterranean city".

4. That the aforementioned amounts be paid to the interested parties by the Authorisation of this Ministry, in the appropriate manner, from the funds that have been released for this service from Chapter 14, Article 3, Item 4. of the current budget of this Ministry.

I am communicating this to you for your information and use.

Madrid, 23 December 1931.


Mr Director General of Fine Arts."


CALLS: Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA)


  • Open-air cinema in a village in the Levante region of Spain
    Open-air cinema in a village in the Levante region of Spain View Work file


Architect : Eugenio Sánchez Lozano Architect : Luis Lacasa Navarro Architect : Secundino Zuazo Ugalde

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