PNA 1945

Juan González Cebrián

ORDER of 6 November 1945 resolving the National Architecture Competition for the current year.

"IImo. Sr.

Having regard to the file on the resolution of the National Architecture Competition corresponding to the current year, and Having regard to the fact that by Ministerial Order of 28 March 1945, the aforementioned National Competition was announced, the theme of which was a monograph on the architecture of the Spanish garden, offering a prize of 23,500 pesetas and an additional prize of 5,000 pesetas. 000; It being understood that, after the corresponding procedure, the Jury, made up of Mr. Luis Moya Blanco, Mr. Francisco Iñiguez Almerch and Mr. Javier Withuysen, unanimously agreed to propose to the Superiority that the work presented by Mr. Francisco Fraguas be declared out of competition, as it did not conform to the theme indicated in the announcement, and that the announced prize of 23,500 pesetas be awarded to Mr. Juan González Cebrián, and the announced bonus of 5. 5,000 to Martín José Marcide and Rafael de Aburto, for their work carried out in collaboration.

This Ministry, in accordance with the above proposal, has resolved:

1. To declare the work represented by Mr Francisco Fraguas out of the competition as it does not comply with the theme announced in the call for entries.

2. To award the prize of 23,500 pesetas to Juan González Cebrián for his work, registered under number 3, and the additional prize of 5,000 pesetas to Martín José Marcide and Rafael de Aburto, for their collaborative work, registered under number 2.

3. That the amount of these sums be paid from the appropriation consigned in chapter one, article two, group six, concept 12, of the current Budget of this Department, the expense of which has been reported by the Accounting Section on 31 January last and by the General Intervention of the State Administration on 22 February following, being drawn on the Central Treasury and in the name of the Habilitado de Concursos Nacionales, Mr. Andrés Gordillo González.

I hereby inform you of this for your knowledge and effects.

May God keep you for many years to come.

Madrid, 6 November 1945.


Director General of Fine Arts".


CALLS: Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA)

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