PNA 1965

Heliodoro Dols

ORDER of 23 June 1965 approving the proposal of prizes submitted by the Jury of the national competitions of Fine Arts in the sections of Painting, Sculpture, Drawing, Engraving, Architecture and Literature.

"Having regard to the proposal of prizes submitted by the Jury of the national competitions of Fine Arts in the sections of Painting, Sculpture, Drawing, Engraving, Architecture and Literature, convened by Ministerial Order of 8 March last: This Ministry has resolved to give its approval to the same and, consequently, to grant the following awards:

Painting Section:

- Prize of 50,000 pesetas to Manuel Hernández Mompó for his work number 67 entitled "Calles del Rastro" (Streets of the Flea Market).

- 15,000 pesetas consolation prize to Constantino Grandio López for his work number 48, entitled "Ser o no ser" (To be or not to be).

Sculpture Section:

- Prize of 50,000 pesetas, to Joaquin García Donaire for his work number 4, entitled "Desnudon".

- 15,000 pesetas consolation prize, to Francisco Toledo Sánchez for his work number 14, entitled "Visitación".

Drawing Section:

- Prize of 20,000 pesetas to Juan G. Barjola for his work number 14.

- Second prize of 5,000 pesetas to Mr Agustin Albalat Iranzo for his work number 16.

Engraving Section:

- Prize of 20,000 pesetas, to Mr. José Luis Alexanco Pacheco for his work number 12, entitled "La sonámbula" (The sleepwalker).

- Second prize of 5,000 pesetas, to Mr. Adolfo Bartolomé García for his work number 14, entitled "Máscaras sobre el toro (Masks on the bull)

- Second prize of 5,000 pesetas, to Mr. Dimitri Papagueorgulu for his work number 24, entitled "Toros" (Bulls).

Architecture Section:

- Prize of 50,000 pesetas, to Mr. Heliodoro Dols Morell and Mr. Antonio López Garcia, joint authors of work number 4, "Fuente en Pedraza" (Fountain in Pedraza) project.

Literature Section:

- Prize of 20,000 pesetas for the article on art criticism published in issue 56 of the magazine "Cuadernos de Arquitectura" (Architecture Journals) by Juan Eduardo Cirlot. The amount of these prizes will be paid from the appropriation entered under number 348.416/2 of the current expenditure budget of this Department.

I hereby inform you of this for your information and use.

May God preserve you for many years to come.

Madrid, 23 June 1965,

Hon. Mr. Director General of Fine Arts. LORA TAMAYO"


CALLS: Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA)


  • Fountain for the square in Pedraza (Segovia)
    Fountain for the square in Pedraza (Segovia) View Work file


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