PNA 1935

Building for the permanent exhibition of Fine Arts

Gaceta de Madrid nº 363, 29 December 1935.

"Hon. Mr.:

Having regard to the minutes dated the 14th of the current month, signed by the members of the Jury for this year's National Architecture Award, Mr. Antonio Palacio, President, and the members Mr. Alonso Jimeno, Mr. Emilio Moya and Mr. Eugenio Sánchez Lozano, plus the Secretary of the National Competitions, Mr. Nicanor Hevia: As a result, in the aforementioned minutes, the Jury, after carefully studying the projects presented in the competition, unanimously agreed to propose to the Superiority that the prize of 10,000 pesetas, with which this competition is endowed, be awarded to project number 7, signed by Messrs. Mr. Artero Sainz de la Calzada. Mr. R. Díaz Sarasola, Mr. Enrique Segarra and Mr. Julio Ruiz Olmos. and that the runner-up prize of 3,000 pesetas be awarded to project number 9, authored by Mr. José Manuel Aizpurua and Mr. Felipe López Delgado: Considering that all the formalities and bases of the call for this Competition have been complied with, and that the resolutions have been adopted unanimously. This Ministry has approved the above-mentioned act, and has ordered the following:

1. That the prize of 10,000 pesetas be awarded to Mr. Arturo Sáinz de la Calzada, Mr. R. Diaz Sarasola, Mr. Enrique Segarra and Mr. Julio Ruiz Olmos.

2. That the runners-up prize of 3,000 pesetas be awarded to Messrs. Mr. José Manuel Aizpurua 3 Mr. Felipe López Delgado. Felipe López Delgado.

3. That the Authorisation of this Ministry shall pay the aforementioned gentlemen the aforementioned amounts from the funds that have been released for this service by Ministerial Order of 15 November last, from chapter one, article two, group 54, concept five, of the current budget of this Ministry; and

4. That the minutes of the Jury be published in the GACETA DE MADRID and the continuation of this Order.

I hereby inform you for your information and use.

Madrid, 27 December 1935.


Sir Undersecretary of this Ministry"


CALLS: Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA)


  • Edificio destinado a exposición permanente de Bellas Artes
    Edificio destinado a exposición permanente de Bellas Artes View Work file


Member : Emilio Moya Member : Eugenio Sánchez Lozano Member : Nicanor Hevia Member : Alfonso Jimeno Pérez President of the Jury : Antonio Palacios

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