PNA 2016

José Antonio Martínez Lapeña

On 14 December 2017, the Ministry of Public Works awarded the 2016 National Architecture Award to the architectural practice of José Antonio Martínez Lapeña and Elías Torres Tur, in recognition of the professional trajectory of these architects, "authors of extensive work in a long joint career that will soon celebrate fifty years of uninterrupted collaboration, throughout which they have tackled projects of all kinds, from the most problematic periphery to their international commissions, in which they were pioneers in our country. Their work, with its open and daring architecture, includes the construction and renovation of some of the most significant public spaces in Spanish architecture in recent decades. Always with a fresh language that combines civic commitment with a respectful attitude towards the landscape and the historic city, constituting an example of innovation and constant research".

CALLS: Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA)



Architect proposed by the Spanish Higher Council of Architects' Associations : Sara de Giles Dubois Proposed architect of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando : Juan Bordes Caballero Architect awarded with the PNA 2015. President of the Jury. : Rafael Moneo Vallés Proposed architect of the Federation of Associations of Journalists of Spain. : José María Cruz Novillo Deputy Director General for Architecture and Building. Recording Secretary. : Francisco Javier Martín Ramiro Architect awarded the PNA 2014 : Juan Navarro Baldeweg Proposed architect of the Directorate-General for Architecture, Housing and Land : Beatriz Colomina Architect proposed by the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities. : Elisa Valero Ramos Director General of Architecture, Housing and Land. Secretary of the jury. : Antonio Aguilar Mediavilla

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