PNA 1973

Seville Classrooms and Seminars Building. Faculty of Mathematics

ORDER of 2 January 1974 publishing the awarding of prizes in the 1973 national Fine Arts competitions, corresponding to the sections of Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Engraving, Drawing, Photography and Literature.

"Having been convened by Ministerial Order of 13 March 1973 ("Boletín Oficial del Estado" of 5 April 1973) the national competitions of Fine Arts, the Jury appointed in the sections of Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Drawing, Engraving, Literature and Photography has submitted to this Department a proposal for the awarding of prizes in the aforementioned sections, by virtue of which, and on the proposal of the Directorate General of Fine Arts, this Ministry has resolved to approve the said proposal and, consequently, to award the following prizes:

Painting Section.

- Prize of 100,000 pesetas for the work "Papei", original by Cristo Peregrin García.

Sculpture Section.

- Prize of 100,000 pesetas for the work "Formas", original by Pedro María Elorriaga Urtiaga

Drawing Section.

- Prize of 30,000 pesetas for the work "Dibujo" (2), by Osear Estruga Andréu

Engraving Section.

- Prize of 30,000 pesetas for the work "Extra Espera", by Maria Antonia Sánchez Escalona

Architecture Section.

- Prize of 200,000 pesetas for the project "Building for classrooms and seminars at the University of Seville", by Alejandro de la Sota Martín.

Photography Section

- Prize of 20,000 pesetas for the work "Siluetas", by José Lorite Vico.

Literature Section.

- Prize of 30,000 pesetas for the critical work on "Exhibitions organised by the General Directorate of Fine Arts during 1972/1973", by Francisco Prados de la Plaza

I inform you for your information and use.

May God bless you,

Madrid, 21 January 1974.

the Undersecretary, Federico Mayor Zaragoza

Hon. Mr. Director General of Fine Arts"


CALLS: Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA)


  • Seville Classrooms and Seminars Building. Faculty of Mathematics
    Seville Classrooms and Seminars Building. Faculty of Mathematics View Work file


Member : Francisco Echauz Buisán Member : José García Nieto Member : Joaquín Vaquero Palacios Member : Julio Cano Lasso President of the Jury : Crisanto de Lasterra Member : José María Subirach Member : Juan José Tharrts

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