PNA 2020

Alberto Campo Baeza

The winner of the National Architecture Award 2020 is the architect Alberto Campo Baeza, at the proposal of the CEU San Pablo  University Foundation, the Official Association of Architects of Almería, the Official Association of Architects of Cádiz and the Higher Council of Architects' Associations of Spain 

In proposing the award to Alberto Campo Baeza, the jury especially highlights the coherence of his professional trajectory, his creative independence and his life-long teaching work dedicated to training different generations of architects who have found in his work a source of inspiration as well as becoming a reference point for Spanish architecture both nationally and internationally.


CALLS: Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA)



Director General of Urban Agenda and Architecture. Secretary : Iñaqui Carnicero Alonso-Colmenares Architect proposed by the Directorate General for Urban Agenda and Architecture : Lucía Cano Pintos Deputy Director General for Architecture and Building. Recording Secretary : Luis Vega Catalán Proposed architect of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities : Elisa Valero Ramos Architect proposed by the Federation of Associations of Journalists of Spain. : Inmaculada Maluenda Architect proposed by the San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts. : Estrella de Diego Architect proposed by the Spanish Higher Council of Architects' Associations : Carme Pigem Barceló Architect awarded with the PNA 2018. Chairman of the Jury : Manuel Gallego Jorreto Architect awarded the NAP 2019 : Álvaro Siza Vieira

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