PNA 2021

Carme Pinós Desplat

In proposing the award to Carme Pinós, the jury particularly highlights the solidity of her career, which has been both prolific and excellent, always imbued with great creative power. A creative process that runs through the entire architectural work, culminating in an outstanding execution of the project.

The jury emphasises the social responsibility and sustainability pursued in her projects and also mentions her transversality as a professional, promoting dialogue between architecture and other disciplines and demonstrating a great capacity for dissemination both within and beyond our borders.

The architect's candidacy, proposed by the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, the Arquia Foundation, the E.T.S.A. (Technical Superior School of Architecture) of Valencia and the CSCAE (Higher Council of Architects Associations of Spain), was the one chosen by the jury convened on 30 November. Subsequently, the Minister of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda has been informed, who has personally given the news to the laureate and, after that, will award the prize by Ministerial Order.


CALLS: Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA)



Director General of Urban Agenda and Architecture. Secreatrio : Iñaqui Carnicero Alonso-Colmenares Architect awarded the NAP 2019 : Álvaro Siza Vieira Assistant Director-General for Architecture and Building. Recording Secretary : Marta Callejón Cristóbal Proposed architect of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities : Mar Loren Méndez Architect awarded with the NAP 2020 : Alberto Campo Baeza Architect proposed by the Directorate-General for the Urban Agenda and Architecture. President of the jury : María Langarita Sánchez Proposed architect of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando : Luis Fernández-Galiano Architect proposed by the Federation of Associations of Journalists of Spain. : Eva Armas Gil Architect proposed by the Spanish Higher Council of Architects' Associations : Sol Madridejos Fernández

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