Principles {of Architecture}

If the 1st Biennial of Spanish Architecture (1991) highlighted the singular avant-garde fervour of the eighties, identifying the qualitative and quantitative leap that architectural works had undergone, and the 2nd Biennial (1993) highlighted research and reflection in small-scale architecture, the 3rd Biennial (1995) shows the architecture of the last two years, valued for its capacity for communication and the creation of new urban situations, a reflection of the concern for the society that inhabits it and for the integration between the building and its surroundings; technology and materialisation, discipline and freedom, are the result of the outstanding position of our architecture on the international scene.

The various international events held in Spain during 1992 generated a high quality constructive hyperactivity. The universal exhibition in Seville showed the creative quality of the architects invited by each participating country and a large number of prestigious Spanish authors. The result of that varied design competition was an ephemeral and intuitive architecture. Meanwhile, the Barcelona Olympics restructured and updated the urban and architectural infrastructures, providing a proposal for a global future for the city.

Directors of III BEAU

Javier Frechilla Camoiras - Architect, Director of the III Biennial and President of the Jury


CALLS: Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA)
IN COLLABORATION WITH: Menéndez Pelayo International University Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Environment Higher Council of the Spanish Architects' Associations


By categories

  • Expansion of El Corte Inglés in Barcelona
    Expansion of El Corte Inglés in Barcelona View Work file
  • Hospital del Mar
    Hospital del Mar View Work file
  • Expansion of the Zaragoza Courts
    Expansion of the Zaragoza Courts View Work file
  • 200 homes in Mollet del Vallès
    200 homes in Mollet del Vallès View Work file
  • Rehabilitation of the Casa de las Conchas
    Rehabilitation of the Casa de las Conchas View Work file
  • Constitution Square
    Constitution Square View Work file
  • Central sports facilities building
    Central sports facilities building View Work file
  • Health Centre in Azpilagaña
    Health Centre in Azpilagaña View Work file
  • National Rhythmic Gymnastics Training Centre
    National Rhythmic Gymnastics Training Centre View Work file
  • Library of the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies. University of Vigo
    Library of the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies. University of Vigo View Work file
  • State Library in Murcia
    State Library in Murcia View Work file
  • Telecommunications tower in Cádiz
    Telecommunications tower in Cádiz View Work file
  • Visitor and Interpretation Centre of the Timanfaya National Park
    Visitor and Interpretation Centre of the Timanfaya National Park View Work file
  • Sant Cugat Cultural Centre
    Sant Cugat Cultural Centre View Work file
  • Spanish Television Centre for Andalusia
    Spanish Television Centre for Andalusia View Work file
  • 90 social housing units and commercial premises
    90 social housing units and commercial premises View Work file
  • Housing in Los Bermejales
    Housing in Los Bermejales View Work file
  • Single family house in Ames
    Single family house in Ames View Work file
  • Royal Botanic Garden Exhibition Greenhouse
    Royal Botanic Garden Exhibition Greenhouse View Work file
  • Studio house for a photographer
    Studio house for a photographer View Work file
  • Red Eléctrica Head Office
    Red Eléctrica Head Office View Work file
  • University Library (UNED)
    University Library (UNED) View Work file
  • House in Can Caralleu
    House in Can Caralleu View Work file
  • Administrative building for the Ministry of the Interior
    Administrative building for the Ministry of the Interior View Work file


Architect, Director of the III Biennial and President of the Jury : Javier Frechilla Camoiras Architect : Esteve Bonell Rius Architect : Alberto Campo Baeza Urban Planner, Secretary of the Jury and Secretary of the Selection Committee : Martha Thorne Architect : José Manuel Gallego Jorreto Rector Magnificent of Menéndez Pelayo International University : Ernest Lluch Martín Director General for Housing, Town Planning and Architecture : Borja Carreras Moysí President of the CSCAE : Jaime Duró Pifarré Architect : Francisco José Mangado Beloqui

  • L'Illa Diagonal Building
    L'Illa Diagonal Building View Work file
  • Community of Madrid Stadium
    Community of Madrid Stadium View Work file
  • Remodelación del edificio del Pati de les Dones, Casa de la Caridad. Proyecto del Centro de Cultura Contemporánea de Barcelona. (CCCB)
    Remodelación del edificio del Pati de les Dones, Casa de la Caridad. Proyecto del Centro de Cultura Contemporánea de Barcelona. (CCCB)

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