PNA 1962

Juan Daniel Fullaondo

ORDER of 31 December 1962 resolving the National Architecture Competition for the current year.

"Hon. Mr.:

Having regard to the file on the resolution of the National Architecture Award of the current year, and Having regard to the fact that by Order of 14 June last, the aforementioned National Award was announced, the theme of which was an open-air pavilion for music band performances, with a prize of 25,000 pesetas being offered. As a result, after the corresponding procedure, the Jury, chaired by Mr. Pascual Bravo Sanfeliu and with Mr. Adolfo López-Durán and Mr. Luis de Sala y Maria as members, unanimously agreed to propose awarding the announced prize of 25,000 pesetas to project number 1, authored by Mr. Daniel Fullaondo. This Ministry, having seen the above proposal, has seen fit to approve it in its entirety, awarding the prize in the manner and amount detailed therein. I hereby inform you of this for your information and use.

May God bless you for many years to come.

Madrid. 31 December 1962.


Hon. Mr Director General of Fine Arts"


CALLS: Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA)



President : Pascual Bravo Sanfeliú Member : Adolfo López-Durán Member : Luis de Sala y Maria

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