PNA 1971

Prototype of a General Basic Education Centre

ORDER of 10 July 1971 awarding the prizes for the 1971 National Fine Arts Competitions.


By Ministerial Order of 6 March 1971, the National Competitions for 1971 were announced. The Jury appointed for the same in the Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Drawing, Engraving, Literature and Photography Sections by Ministerial Order of 8 June last ("Boletín Oficial del Estado" of 9 July) submits to this Department a proposal for the awarding of prizes in the aforementioned Sections.

By virtue of this, at the proposal of the Directorate General of Fine Arts, this Ministry has decided to approve the proposal and, consequently, to award the following prizes:


- Prize: Mr. Agustín Celis Gutiérrez, for his work entitled "iniciación al mito de las suplantaciones" (initiation to the myth of impersonations).


- Prize: Ms Michèle Lescure Frambourg, for her work entitled "Galaxia monumental" (Monumental Galaxy")


- Mr. José Manuel López Peláez and Mr. Julio Vidaurre, for their project "Prototype of a General Basic Education Centre".


- Prize: Mr. Andrés Barajas Díaz, for his work entitled: "El gran sueño" (The big dream).


-Prize: Mr. Roberto Reina Robledo, for his work entitled "Sueños" (Dreams).


- Prize: Mr. Antonio Manuel Campoy, for his review "Colaboraciones de don Antonio Manuel Campoy en el diario A B C" (Contributions by Antonio Manuel Campoy in the daily newspaper A B C).


- Prize: Mr. Pedro Martínez Carrión, for his work entitled "Y a mi qué".(So What)"

I am writing to you for your information and use.

God bless you, Madrid, 10 July 1971.

the Under-Secretary, Ricardo Díez

Hon. Mr. Director General of Fine Arts"


CALLS: Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA)


  • Prototype of a General Basic Education Centre
    Prototype of a General Basic Education Centre View Work file


Poet and art critic. Member : José Hierro Real Painter. Member : Pedro Mozos Martínez President of the Jury. Director General of Fine Arts : Florentino Pérez Embid Recorder. Member : Julio Prieto Nespereira Painter. Member : Joaquín Vaquero Turcios Architect. Member : Alberto García Gil Sculptor. Member : Venancio Blanco Martín

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